Trickle Charge White Wire?


New Member
Was poking around Alibaba and found a description I did not understand.


Primary Voltage Generator "Magneto". This coil provides voltage for spark, a trickle charge, and trigger for CDI igniter coil unit.

Now i know what the Mag is and what it does but I am assuming the "trickle Charge" they are speaking of would be the white wire.

What would it take to use the white wire to charge a 6V Battery? As i understand things the white wire puts out roughly 7 volts and 3 watts. that would seem to be enough voltage to keep a 6v charged.

I also believe there is AC not DC at the wire how much of an issue would that make?
Think it could over charge the battery. Something would be needed to stop it when fully charged. The volts seem to very from post to post. Wonder if a 6v volt regulator would work ?
u could use a diode to stop the power going from the battrey to the engine. , once the batttrey is full it just wont accept the charge.
Are the bulbs that work off the white wire AC ? Or is it a volt or watt thing ? I use a headlight bulb from a generator on wheel type. It works ok to be seen. Can't use another for tail light as engine dies. what the heck, just like brakes there over rated. We have small shiny reflectors.
Are the bulbs that work off the white wire AC ? Or is it a volt or watt thing ? I use a headlight bulb from a generator on wheel type. It works ok to be seen. Can't use another for tail light as engine dies. what the heck, just like brakes there over rated. We have small shiny reflectors.
Light bulbs don't care; they're ac/ some people I know. If you use the white wire to power a lamp you must use 2 wires and one grounded to the engine block or to the frame if the engine is not isolated from the frame by rubber, paint, etc. If the white wire goes to ground (engine, frame) it will kill your ignition, same as a kill button. Same thing will happen if the bulb shorts out internally; don't laugh, I've seen it happen too many times.
u could use a diode to stop the power going from the battrey to the engine. , once the batttrey is full it just wont accept the charge.
Sorry but I disagree. A battery can be overcharged unless the charging source has a voltage regulator built in that shuts off the current when a set voltage is reached. Some older chargers did not have this feature and would cook a battery if left on and forgotten. A defective voltage regulator in a car or a car's alternator will also kill a battery by overcharging it.
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I just posted my fix on the thread but my computer bumped me off line BUMMER!

Here goes a posting second try.

First of I am a retired electrical engineer with 35years in the machine tool industry.
Charging circuits aer not my field, but i will try to explain without too many complications. Because of getting bumped off I will do it with two posts. the first being charging circuits in general and the second being my suggested fix.

First post, description of charging circuits.

Auto charging circuits come in two main catagories. # 1 is the altanator that use a bridge diode network to regulate the voltage and amperage. #2 type is the generator that uses coils with breakers to regulate the voltage/current. Because the Chinese use a magneto the above two circuits probably wouldn,t work well for us.
In my next post I will explain my Model T tyep charging circuit

As I suspected the second post didn't go through. I got bumped of AGAIN!

Here goes for try no 3.

Second post The model T Charging system.

My model T has a magnito just like th Chinese bikes. This is not compatable with the altinator or the generator/regulator charging circuits.

To solve this battery charging problem in my model T which has a battery and no onboard charging systim I came up with the following circuit It really works.

The circuit consists of a diode and a 6 volt tungsten filaimat light bulb in series with the magnito and the battery. I used a 6 volt auto dome light and a diode rated at 24v piv.

The diode is connected to the magnito with the arrow pointing AWAY from the magnito. The light bulb is connected to the diode and to the battery. When the rpms go up and the voltage gets higher the bulb gets brighter regulating the current. the diode acts as a half wave regulator which makes the voltage look dc to the battery.

Because I keep getting bumped off I will end this thread for now. any questions, please feel free to ask

If you're using a sealed battery (SLA, AGM, etc) you'll want some type of charging control. If you are using a flooded lead-acid battery, overcharging will result in the acid gassing off. Not a terribly big deal, except those fumes are dangerous and you shouldn't breathe them, and I believe they are flammable. So yeah, pretty much screwed there.
Jasonh and all'

In my circuit the 6volt light bulb acts as a regulator. as the current increases the tungston filament gets hotter and the resistance goes up. The net result is not allowing enough current to flow in the charging circuit to cause overcharging. You can moniter the carging rate with an ammeter in series with the circuit, or just see how bright the bulb gets.

i have bought a
6v 1.5 amp hour battery.
27ohm resister
few switches and a strip.

I plan to go

WW > battery > lights.

i'll be mocking it up tonight/tomorrow and we'll see how we go

i have a question though, i thought the white wire was only rated for 'about' 6v and about 1amp ? so i bought the 27ohm resister so that it would be a 'trickle' charge off the white wire during daytime riding and at night i'd have a full battery

( or atleast some charge in the battery while also drawing from the white wire to power the lights. )

oldcliff > if i was to put a tungsten 6v bulb in series after the resister and before the battery would that be the way to go ?

also which tungsten bulb would be the one to purchase ?