Caraci bike, first build, help, suggestions...

Just in the central valley. I'm just worried about being pulled over and have no insurance. My license plate came in, took 9 days from the day I sent it out and received. I thought it wouldn't be here till next month.

Took my bike out for a 5+ mile ride in the country. Still waiting for accessories to come in to finish it.
You know like handlebar tassels.

My turn lights and seatpost rack came in today so I was able to install those and the license plate on. My headlights and taillights are still coming in next week, bought the cygolite 400 combo. I was thinking the 1200 lumen cree lights but just wanted something reliable or lasting. And mountain bike/bmx foam grips are coming, the left handlebar grips the vibration is too much at 25 mph. No problem on the throttle end. I need to get a thinner cable or make a chain lock to lock the seat, the 4 feet kryptonite cable won't fit through the seat.
I bought a CDI on ebay to avoid Gasbike because of reviews, but when I received my item today the box said Gasbike. The seller had a different name from Gasbike. Unboxing the cables fell apart. They replied within an hour on a Sunday night when I was asking about buying the item. But opening a case on Ebay about wires falling off, haven't been so quick like the negative reviews said.
Oh man . I hate when this kind of thing happens.
Hope it all works out for ya.
I haven't read the reviews or done business with that vender so I'm not quite sure what his or her problems may be.....
I'll be sure and look now though...... Thanks for the heads up......
So when I opened a case I didn't expect the item to be replaced, but they sent me a tracking number but usps site doesn't have it listed yet. I just went back to the stock cdi. I went on a ride last week and lost my mini bike pump, on top of that the next day my tire was flat with small torns everywhere.

Caraci bike was a good price but the thick rims, a lot of local bike shops don't even carry the 60mm valve tubes. I ended up having to buy a valve extender for $15. Also the nut for the wheel I went to ACE hardware store and another one, they said that its like a custom nut since its just a little bigger hole. they gave me the nut thats suppose to be it but when fitting it to the axle it was too tight. it would turn the first few but won't go any further.
I replaced the stock wheels with a vittoria radonneur, tire liners, and new tubes. Went on a ride to the country side again, got chased by two dogs from different houses with their gates open. Came home and noticed I lost my air filter, so I need to buy another thing. I'm using a foam clown nose I got from the hospital for a temporary air filter.

Gasbike's ebay page also replaced the supercharger cdi, works fine now.
The bike looks awesome! The clown nose filter is great. Certain sponges from household cleaning can be used also just make sure they breath. Happy motoring!
as far as that almost stripped bolt goes I had the same problem...I simply took a piece of duct tape and put it over screw driver head and it worked like a charm. the tape fills in the whole slot.
Noticed you taped the part near the sprocket where the chain is going towards the engine. Is your chain hitting the frame?
Noticed you taped the part near the sprocket where the chain is going towards the engine. Is your chain hitting the frame?

It was, then I put spacers and taped it again to see if it was hitting and it hasn't been.

My #41 chain and chain braker came in, going to replace the 415hd with it when my 40 tooth sprocket comes in. I'll have to grind the right side of the engine sprocket guard since the chain is hitting the inside also. By this week or next week I won't be upgrading anything else till next year or unless something breaks down. Only thing I want to save up for is exhaust and sprocket adapter. I've already spent almost $900 now the past couple months on this bike.
Gasbike sent me a 2nd cdi replacement on accident 1 1/2 weeks after receiving the first, they told me to keep it.

I bought a new air filter and o-ring since my carburetor didn't have one. Replaced the chain with the 41 chain, don't know when 40 tooth sprocket will come its been over 2 weeks. The Koch chain breaker works really well even on 415 chains, was only $15. I used the old chain and made a seat chain lock with it, so I have two seat locks now.

Also bought a phone mount instead of buying a speedometer, works really well. Was thinking of the Finn, but its basically a universal phone mount with a finn mount.

The only thing I'm debating now is the exhaust. My bike can ride steady 30-32 mph depending on wind here. Everything on the bike is basically stock except air filter and cdi, no mods at all and don't plan to in the future with dremels or anything.

So will buying an exhaust like arrow torquer which is what I'm eyeing, make me gain a little more speed? Or will it only give me better acceleration from a stop?

Yes I know the back tires are facing the wrong way, I didn't want remove it and puncture another tube.
Bike is looking great! I know the tubes are hard to find. I have had good luck searching 700 x 35 60mm on eBay and bought several Duro tubes that are actually correct. I would normally not choose that brand but they are the correct size and valve and the quality is surprisingly better than average. Happy Motoring!
Thanks. Yeah all the major chain and local bikes don't have the 60mm valve, I ended up spending $30 on two valve extenders. I was thinking of riding my bike yesterday morning to church, but I was afraid someone would steal it while inside even if its locked up.

I also ended up replacing the gas cap with a key lock one.
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My arrow torquer exhaust came in, acceleration is nice and can feel it after going down to a 40t sprocket. And the sound is way better then the stock exhaust.

What I'm worried about now is the fuel line which is touching the chamber. Do I have to worry about that? Or can I use this hospital wrap?

Only thing left I plan to do on this bike is redo the brake lights and not use the cheap $8 ebay combo one that is starting to fail. Someone in this forum is currently helping me with that project, and really want to get it finished in the next 3 weeks. Hopefully I don't need to buy soldering tools.

Also ordering a wheel roller from mapbike. The stock one is falling apart.
Yes, get the fuel line off the pipe. It takes a lot to ignite gas but it's better to not find out and can burn thru anything in time. One tip that may help is if you can slightly twist then clamp the line at the tank or carb you may be able to get it to lay differently and not touch.
I got the fuel line off the pipe with a longer one, and a zip tie. I also bought exhaust wrap from autozone, just picked those up right now since they called and came in. Just put that on right now, not sure if the wrap is suppose to be hot like that since I moistened it like the instruction said and wrapped it. Rode around with it and I guess it was steaming because of the water.

On another note, I hit an all time top speed of 39.35 mph. Is it dangerous to be riding full throttle for 10-20 minutes at a time? My full throttle hovers around 36-38 mph. Don't know what a blown engine will do to me when riding, so if anyone has experience with that tell me what happens. Will I just face plant it, or will my bike slow down like I just ran of gas? Thanks.
I think I'm officially done with all the major upgrades and things I wanted for the bike. Only thing thats coming in the mail are the jets, but the stock jet on the nt carb seems to be fine for me. I get a brown/black color on the spark plug. (new and improve brake/tail/turn signals) (handlebar switches, key gas tank cap) (RT Head, 40t sprocket thinking about a 36 but don't want to lose acceleration. Upgrade allen screws on the covers, and coupling nuts for the head) (arrow torquer with wrap)