Vibration and Noise contol


New Member
I came up with a simple vibration and noise contol for my bike engine. I had a piece of 1/8 inch rubber belt that was used on a conveyor. I cut it to fit in between the mounts of the front and rear on my bike. I also took my clutch cover off and made a template of the inside. Then cut a piece of the rubber belt to fit inside. I had to cut a circle in the center to clear the clutch assy. Used contact cement to glue it in. After I let it dry over night I gave it a good test drive of about 135 miles. I don't have the clutch noise or the vibrating handle bars. I also don't have the bolts loosing up on my bike anymore. Hope this helps someone with their project...............George

So hwo does this compare to the lead mounting as others have highly recommended? Some kind of strong impregnated rubber convayor belt material sounds interesting.

How about rubber tire, from an old blown out tire. Has anyone done that already?? Is that the same as a conveyor belt?
I made a rubber gasket for my clutch cover a few weeks ago. I used 1/8" 'O' ring material. It really quieted the noise from that area. I don't have much vibration problem, but the clutch noise was no fun. Now it's nearly gone.
I made a rubber gasket for my clutch cover a few weeks ago. I used 1/8" 'O' ring material. It really quieted the noise from that area. I don't have much vibration problem, but the clutch noise was no fun. Now it's nearly gone.

Hey Tom,
Did you mount the rubber gasket on the inside or outside of the clutch cover?

Does it matter?

Well I have only had my bike a few weeks and I keep breaking the rear motor mount bolts. I also have put rubber on both mounts. My bolts keep loosening up or falling out. Can someone help me with this problem? George can you explain how you put rubber to quiet the clutch noise.
A lot of times, using rubber to mount the engine (or the wrong type of rubber) will agrevate the problem, hence your broken bolts.

Use blue (medium strength) loctite to keep the bolts in.
Hey Tom,
Did you mount the rubber gasket on the inside or outside of the clutch cover?

Does it matter?

The 'O' ring material went between the clutch cover and the engine. I used gasket adhesive to keep the rubber in place until the cover was installed. Don't get too aggressive when tightening the cover bolts or you'll defeat the purpose. Use Loctite and just tighten the bolts until snug. This decreased the clutch noise a lot.
The sheet rubber, (mouse pad), glued to the outside of the cover apparently works too but I didn't like the appearance. 'O' ring material is available from Grainger. I used 1/8th inch; not much surface area for anything bigger.
Icovered the outside of my clutch cover with heavy rubber using Gorilla Glue. I think it helped, now I want to do something on the inside too, maybe it will take it down further for me..

Good thread. Keep the suggestions coming folks!
hey I've been putting a heavy cork filled gasket material on the inside of the clutch cover using auto upholstery spray glue and this seems to quiet down the noise from the gears. I have also used contact cement with good results.
This dampens the noise and you can't see it so if you don't want to spoil the look of that nice rough cast metal cover give it a try.
You will maybe have to cut out clearance hole for the center of the clutch and for the small gear and I don't worry if it should come loose as the gears will eat it with out any problem except you will find a pile of shi under the cover but so far I haven't. Another thing a guy could try is the undercoating spray and do just the inside of the cover may not work but cheap and easy to do.
something else to try spray foam insulation on the inside of the clutch cover then sand and carve out the excess.
Is it possible we can get a picture or two so I can see what you've described? Easier for me to understand as I'm not use too all the jargon and terminologies... :(
First bike I built used rubber roofing for mounts worked great second bold did the same thing very bad vibration came home took rubber out no vibration I don't use rubber anymore