Fuel petcock fix

Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
Hello all,

The other day we wrapped up Brett mavericks' chopper build.

The petcock that came with his kit was basically sans threads. There were some scores that kinda looked like threads, but it wouldn't tighten to the fuel tank. I had a spare, but it leaked...so we started looking for a fix.

The hole in the tank is the right size for a 1/8" pipe tap! Grainger sells a mini 1/8 NPT ball valve. Add a 1/8 NPT barbed nipple and you'll have a really nice leak proof petcock.

Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
If you don't have a Grainger nearby, or whatever.......

Sick Bike Parts Fuel Valve
Oops...sorry about that!

When I'm in the shop I kinda go into my own little world and don't think to look on the net to see if the solution already exists.

i.e. I spent 2 hours on a lathe making a $7 sprocket/gear puller, not realizing they were available.laff

On the other side of the coin...too much information can kill creativity. Had I done my homework, I probably would not have made the clutch kits. It's not that I regret it, not at all, they are selling fine. But, had I looked at all the posts regarding clutches prior to making the kits, I would have figured why bother since there are things that can be done to slightly improve it without making a part.
