31cc V-twin 4 stroke engine


Motorized Bicycle Senior Technologist
Build your own 32cc V-twin 4 stroke engine

Has anybody ever thought of building their own V-twin engine and put it in a chopper?(c)

here's the engine:
JEH - "Howell V-Twin" Engine page

Flywheel Diameter: 4"
Cylinder Bore: 1"
Piston Stroke: 1-1/4"
Compression Ratio: 5:1
Displacement: 1.96 C.I. (32cc)
RPM Range: 800 - 4,500
Height: 6.9"
Width: 8.3"
Length: 5.8"

Anybody from Colorado to check this out?

Your thoughts please...



  • V-twin-1.jpg
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Very cool.

I'm curious how much power it would be able to put out for a bike.

A little small, but you would definitely need wide cranks.

Creative Engineering should take a whack at this...maybe even modify it to be 49cc :) He's probably one of the few of us that would have the proper tools and knowledge to make one of these.
He says it's all from round stock I don't see anything from the picture I can't make on a mill & lathe. It's the time it takes!
Very cool.

I'm curious how much power it would be able to put out for a bike.

A little small, but you would definitely need wide cranks.

Creative Engineering should take a whack at this...maybe even modify it to be 49cc :) He's probably one of the few of us that would have the proper tools and knowledge to make one of these.

Yes, I do hope Creative Engineering would see this thread. He has all the tools and knowledge to build one of these babies, not to mention the expertise too. But I don't think he has the time to build one... :-(
Many early engines did not have either pushrod tubes or rocker covers ,these early motors had a total loss oiling system that had a hand operated pump , this engine is a model ,not sure what the belt drive is for tho..
Wow ,,,You need to look through the whole site ,they got lots of kool stuff,even electronic ignition set-ups ,I think that adjustable ignition is possible
Yeah ... the engine sounds a lot more useable than I first thought , full oil system ,all ball bearing , very interesting ,Id put that on a bike no probs , the Builder even suggests it could be used for powering a bike .