Dirty looks and Shaking Fists

DO NOT RUN YOUR CHINNGY BIKE ON A WILDLIFE PRESERVE TRAIL WITH THE END OF YOUR MUFFLER OFF. People were Pissed. I think its cause they had to walk up the long steep hill while I was blasting by them.
Yeah, trudging up a long hill while breathing vaporized pre-mix just might be enough to make someone irrate.rotfl

Or maybe you scared away the blue headed, white breasted, yellow beak flying thingy that moments ago everyone was oggling over.:D

Just remember we don't want any bad press.

Just remember we don't want any bad press.


In most place's Motorized Bicycle are on thin ice as it is...as Jim say's bad attention is not good.

If we want city, towns, ect. to respect our right to ride Motorized bicycles we MUST respect the right of others.

Many city's and States are deciding if to ban Motorized Bicycles...this is not helping our cause. :(
No bad press here, its more of a beach access road than anything else that happens to be protected, besides after those Dirty looks I wont be doin that again
In most place's Motorized Bicycle are on thin ice as it is...as Jim say's bad attention is not good.

If we want city, towns, ect. to respect our right to ride Motorized bicycles we MUST respect the right of others.

Many city's and States are deciding if to ban Motorized Bicycles...this is not helping our cause. :(

Yeah exactly, and ya know it's comming. Engine powered bike bans that is.

My knee-jerk reaction was to crucify him in written form...I'm not feeling up to my usual nasty self this evening...

If it was a nature preserve trail, there had to be, "NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES", signs everywhere...especially in California. Of course "common sense" should supersede the sign.

Incognito guys...that's the only way this hobby, form of transportation, is going to survive unregulated. Trust and believe this one.

At least keep your muffler on. I sometimes put through a rural cemetary road and people always smile and wave, but if my chengine was screaming bloody murder I am sure the reaction would be different.
Bikeguy Joe, flying under the radar since 1961.

I try to ride as transparently as possible.
That's why we have kill switches and pedals.
Whenever I encounter other folks on trails, bikers or walkers, I shut it down and pedal past them until I know my engine sound won't bother anyone. I save the engine for the street and where I feel what little noise I make won't be a bother or bring unwanted attention. I know I'm sensitive to some noises and I try to be considerate of others who might not appreciate the sound from my little 2 stroke even with a good muffler. And I never run without a muffler. Those yuppy want-to-be Harley bikers who buy a brand new bike and the first thing they do is pull the mufflers off really bother me. That old argument about the noise adding to their safety is a weak rationalization. If that were true we should all take the mufflers off of our cars...so other drivers will know we're there. Sorry, just in a bad mood maybe and concerned about more government intrusion into my life.
Most Motorcycle manufactures have ceased making 2 stroke motors
as they dont pass emission standards for on road use, wont be long before your little 48cc are banned from use on public roads and relegated to off road use, we are in environmental conscious times, best start saving for 4 strokes or lecky setups fellas ;-) ...

SpookyTooth had their kit tested in Arizona for emissions...passed just dandy. And AZ isn't very lax about emissions either.

There is a company that's making conversion kits for some of the larger 2 strokes for some of the countries that rely heavily on 2 strokes...direct fuel injection. No unburned fuel is used to push the exhaust out of the chamber, just air. This makes for far less emissions. Not sure how the lubrication problem is solved though.
Let me explain. My muffler cap blew off erilier in the day and I was surfing a spot called Tressles, which has a concrete trail that is used for beach access. It is a state park that only attracts one group of people: Surfers. The guys on the trail I P.O.'d arent the kind to be reporting it to any one. I just wanted to relay a story that happened. Yes I made a bad choice cuz I didn't want to peddle my way up the hill, and no I wont make that choice again.
Let me explain. My muffler cap blew off erilier in the day and I was surfing a spot called Tressles, which has a concrete trail that is used for beach access. It is a state park that only attracts one group of people: Surfers. The guys on the trail I P.O.'d arent the kind to be reporting it to any one. I just wanted to relay a story that happened. Yes I made a bad choice cuz I didn't want to peddle my way up the hill, and no I wont make that choice again.

Good deal!

A picture of families with children out for a stroll came to mind after reading your first post. I could just see someone making it thier life's work to get motorbikes banned.

Maybe the other surfers were just jealous that they had to walk.:D
