Sorry guys, I was without internet service for a week, I'm glad they got the problem fixed finally. Anyway, who's ready for another group ride? The end of summer is coming up fast we need one more summer ride before we start the scenic fall rides.
Sorry I didn't see this earlier. I always love to eat a good meal and have a cold one or two. I don't know how many of the guys have been on the forum lately. Will moved to Seattle. I haven't spoke to Van for a while. George, well nobody's heard from him since the last ride we had in 2011. I've tried calling and texting him but never no response. There's still a few of us kicking. I know older Mark is building, and my friend Mark just got a few new upgrades for his bike. Let's see who else replys...Hey guys. What say we plan to meet somewhere for a lunch?. No bikes, just a bunch of us to sit down, eat something spicy and have a beer. If we could find some place central that would be cool. Even a chain resturant, Out Back, Chili's, but they must serve beer and no loud sports games going on.
There's a big biker place on south Santa Fe, Just south of Bowels near Arapahoe Community Collage. Even on cold days there's usually a couple of bikes there and in the summer the lot is full of MCs. That's just a suggestion and maybe something for summer but until it gets to be riding weather again we should plan a lunch get-together.
Any takers?