Did I get screwed over or does this happen to everyone?


New Member
I ordered the 4 stroke 4g belt drive complete kit from bicycle-engines.com and it came today and I have to say I was pretty disappointed in the condition of everything I got. The tank was covered in scratches and deep grooves so a lot of the black paint is missing. The clutch is definitely used and shows some wear. The bag full of bolts had a hole in it and I am missing three of four bolts, so I'm going to have to make a trip to the hardware store.... I also ordered the poo poo exhaust, and the inside of it is totally rusted out and looks as if it was sitting outside for long periods of time. A lot of the nuts and bolts are rusted over. The transmission looks used as well because the 4g solid pulley has bent edges and doesnt make a complete turn when mounted to the engine as it rubs against the side of the clutch bell which is also definitely used as it already had the oillite bushing installed. Also the belt it came with is way too small and the gas line is literally 4 inches long which is way too short. Am i the only one who has experienced this or is this a common occurrence? Should I ask for a new kit and send it back or what?
i would call and send it back that is not normal and i bet it was a screw up and they sent out a kit they got back
I have read of the rubbing before, but I am sorry I cannot find the thread on it. :(
I remember the fix for it was really easy.

Whatever you do, leave the kit as you received it, don't mess with a single little thing, until you contact BE about a warranty. I have never heard of such a horrible condition kit coming from them before. Someone in the shipping dept. must have made a huge mistake.
Please keep us informed of how they take care of you. They are known for excellent customer service and this situation is off to a bad start.
I just want to point out, the title of this thread was, "did I get screwed over, or does this happen to everybody?" After reading the first post, I would say that even if it were a common occurrence, it wouldn't change the fact that you got screwed. I am sure that if you contact the vendor, they will take care of you. But I have never heard of a kit being in such terrible condition, and having it happen more often wouldn't make it acceptable.
Did you get a new kit , of at least, the used broken and scratched parts replaced, or did they screw you over? would love to know.
Did you get a new kit , of at least, the used broken and scratched parts replaced, or did they screw you over? would love to know.

Yeah I'd also like to know as I'm just about to order one of these, but I'll order elsewhere if it's going to be used and rusty. dance1
I send them a very well worded email and got no response. I then tried calling them but they have such inconvenient hours since I am located in California and have to work from 8 to 3. I finally got a hold of them and they said that they were very surprised by what happened with my order. They assured me it wasnt used and that they install the bushing into the clutch bell in the factory, so that wasnt their doing. He told me I could ship it back and they would supply me with a new kit at my expense for shipping. He also said that it could take a while to process and ship it back out to me. I didn't want to have to pay another $30 to get it shipped to them and then another $30 to get it shipped back to me, and i didnt want to have to wait another month, so i just dealt with what i was given
I just think the whole motorized bike kit dealer world is unpredictable, and nobody really takes a lot of pride in what they are selling to their customers. I realized this could probably happen with whoever i order it from, and what else can i expect from some kit made in china. It's sad that things have to be this way, but i guess that's why people pay upwards of $700 for that EZ motorized bike kits that are made in the USA.
Thanks for the heads up I know were not to buy.
The gall to tell you it will take a long time to process your return and then to charge you to ship it to them, and then to have to pay to ship it back.
I understand there policies but in this case they were 100% at fault and should of done the right thing and shipped another kit to you the same day they got your kit back and at least pay to ship a new kit back to you. any thing less is straight BS
I send them a very well worded email and got no response. I then tried calling them but they have such inconvenient hours since I am located in California<snip>

I'm in California too. There's also no way I'd ship it back at my expense.

I may call before order with 2 questions.

1) How long will it take to be shipped to CA after order.

2) If it comes "used" or not as described, what is the return policy.

I audio record my phone calls with places of business, and ask for their name and what not. I also go Hello is this _____ and they reply yes naming the phone call between a customer (I) and the place of business. I usually tell places that say their recording, that I'm also recording LOL. You get better service, I had someone cuss at me and I simply dropped my tone and asked you want me to turn this tape into the BBB and your employer and they had a seat quicker then chris hansen gets pedophiles to seat.

So in other words everyone who's subscribed and what not....

Who else would you buy this kit from?

If it's potential to get one as bad as the OP, I'm thinking of just buying the 4G trans myself and getting a running used honda that can fit the 4g trans and engine mounts and such myself. The whole reason I want to buy a kit is I want everything, in working condition, so I can put it together and enjoy it. :-||

^The custom over rear rack I got w/ a old scooter 33cc was fun but all the issues it's faced not caused by me are annoying. I'd like to break in my first small engine.
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Yer not the only one, it has happened to me also, ordered a kit from Zoom Bicycles, suposedly a PK69.5/80cc 2-stroke, the head was warped,cylinder had multiple holes clear through to the piston and if you shook it it sounded like the crank was broke,Clank,Clank, I contacted the seller and after some threats of a law suite they told me to send it back and they'd see if they could find what I paid for to begin with, well 2 months later I recieved another un marked engine in the same box with all the original nuts and bolts that came with the 1st engine, I imediately tore it apart and rebuilt it my first $300.oo 2-stroker and still didn't use all of the stuff in the kit.
Funny they all say "we've never had that problem before" or "It was the factory who is responsible for the defect" sorry! for your mis fortune I hate that $#!+,just be careful and buy from a trusted engine vender these thief's are all over and it doesn't matter if it is a watch,phone,underware,umbrella, baby formula or bread their always going to find a way to "F" you!
I been shopping online for years and have purchased 1000's of items In that time there were 3 times I did not get what I paid for.
The first time was a valuable but cheap $35.00 lesson never, ever, not pay without pay-pal, if they do not take it then go to a site that does.
I never got my $35.00 back and got a piece of junk DOA water pump.

The other 2 times pay-pal got my money back.

1 was with eBay's boygofast selling me a 2 stroke kit that the engine would not start and refused to answer my emails, to even try and fix it , so I filled a pay-pal dispute against him, and after trying to work it out with him and him not helping, pay-pal agreed with me and, I refunded all my money back.
I did have to pay to ship the kit back, so I put it in the smallest box it would go in and shipped it back to him cost me $22.00 but better then loosing $165.00.
The other time was for a $115.00 blood pressure machine, that worked fine but the time and date you could not set, regardless of what you did .
I once again tried to work it out and never I got a reply so I filled a pay-pal case against him and after 10 days pay-pal did not hear back from him so they refunded my money and I got to keep the blood pressure machine to boot.
About 30 days later the man emailed me and asked me were his tracking number was.
I emiled him that, You are the one that refused to answer my and pay-pal's email, for that reason I had no address to ship it back, and he would have to pay to ship back and have it picked up as well, I never heard back from him.
This is why I wont use china girl kits, low quality and crap for costumer service. There is nothing ya can do bout these chinese companies. So I build with 98cc tecumseh or 143cc jacobsen 2 stroke engines. They are not a simple bolt on application, but they are of much better quality, and they pass for 49cc easily. I'm also starting a build using a 90cc 2 stroke sachs engine (150$ shipped). These engines may require more effort to use, however not having to constantly adjust everything makes them the better choice for me. My kids (& friends) are on mine constantly. I've had to do nothing on either of the builds they ride. Over 3500 miles on both of em tinker free!
I applaud people that won't stand for getting ripped off!!!
and remember even their own websites say once gas is in engine
they can't except a return, that works both ways,
I in good faith bought the engine gassed it up and now I can't return it FEDERAL
LAW Hazardous material, then get your money back!!!
What's that called now? oh yea stealing from a thief LOLdance1