high idle speed.


New Member
hi all
i got a trouble shooting question: when i pull on the cluch to disengage it, they idle speed shoot way high, is that normal? it doesnt seem normal.
Have you tried unscrewing the idle screw on the carb a bit? does this bring your idle down? Also, do you have a boost bottle? That makes it do that too.

Edit: Is this a happy time engine or a four stroke or what?
its a 2 stroke "80cc", ive adjusted my screw a lot on my new carb, my old one the screw didnt do any thing.
Check for air leaks.
Turn the screw out (counter clock-wise) all the way until it is loose and see if that does anything.
Turn the brass piece IN in the top of the carb. until there is some slack in the housing.
I Just Read You Put On A New Carb Did You Instal The Cable Correctly If The Silver Disc Is Not In The Spring Return Will Not Work Properly And Could Leave The Throttle Open
sounds like an air leak. Try putting an o-ring in your carb. I o-ringed my carb and it made a big difference.