Worksman Tall Cruiser in progress


New Member
I've run it around the block several times and realized the spoke sandwich was just not happening. I've ordered a Grubee HD fixed hub and drum braketo remedy the situation. The rear rim will match the front, black spokes and all. the sram drum front hub is wired through a pig bmx headset. Specialized 3 piece cranks. niterider headlight, thermoplastic planet bike fenders and Nirve treads. This is my first motored bike.
I'm 6'3 and needed a bigger frame. this 20" worksman has fit the bill. This bike was a hog to pedal. But it's found it's second life now under the power of this 70 cc engine.
I originally had it configured with a nexus 8 speed rear hub, but that will be going to another project now.:ride:

Looks like that came along quite nicely! I'm a true Worksman fan. They are built a bit heavy but built strong. That bike should outlast your engine for sure.
My front drum brake wheel on my mo-bike came off of a Workman trike. It will stop a train. Your Workman looks great.
thanks for the shout guys! I've been scouring the forum the past few days and now I'm having big ideas... dellorto carb, shift kit so i can use my nexus hub, i think I'm addicted guys. is there a forum to help me when it' time to recover from this hobby? is there a 'motorbikers anonymous' so to speak? or have i already found it? LOL...
Just filled out an order form to see what it would cost to buy one with all the stuff I want, it comes out to $660.99. Its a lot but I guess its worth it for a strong nice dependable bike,
Just filled out an order form to see what it would cost to buy one with all the stuff I want, it comes out to $660.99. Its a lot but I guess its worth it for a strong nice dependable bike,

I'm thinking the frame would fair pretty well in an auto collision:crash: It is the most solid bike i've ridden by far.

maybe you could just buy a frame? I found mine on ebay.
My front drum brake wheel on my mo-bike came off of a Workman trike. It will stop a train.

i'm thinking about springing for a front wheel with that drum brake. if i'm reading the price list correctly, they're about $80USD for an industrial-strength wheel with a drum brake.
Hi! i'm planning a build with a worksman classic cruiser and was wondering what modifications you had to make to make the 70cc fit. I've read the chaingaurd mounting tabs are in the way and the downtube is at a bad angle. Just wanna know how hard it is to make this frame work with a happy-time 70cc, thanks!
your infomation is correct. the angle of the down tube is what actually makes the engine mount lower and therefore the chain guard mount gets in the way. (I cut mine off with hacksaw.)
and then there is trouble with the double top tube. the way mine is set up, I can barely access the spark plug, let alone snap the plug wire on. so I am thinking that if not for the slope of the down tube, the engine would not fit under the second top tube. make sure that the model you purchase has enough clearnance. just from looking at the pitures I am skeptical that the 70 cc will fit anyting smaller than the 20" tall cruiser from worksman, since that is what I have, and it barely fits.

I just hope that a shift kit will work with it my bike now considering I had to go to a smaller chainring after mounting the engine lower. i have an eight speed nexus hub with roller brake that i am dying to use in combination with the shift kit.
come to think of it, unless the shift kit allows me to tilt the engine forward so that the front mount is flush with the downtube, then I will have to use another frame to get the shift kit to work. that is the thing with these frames, you're supposed to have the rear mount flush with the seat tube, but in order to keep the chainguard tabs in place you woul have to til the engine forward in a way that makes the front mount flush. I used small cut sections of inner tube under the mounts to absorb wibration and customize the fit a little bit.
wrapped around the seatpost is a headbuster pad off a set of handlebars fro a walmart bike. it says 'clutch' on it.

the sprocket is a 40. it helps to get up all the hills around here.
do you have clearance problems with the motors chain rubbing the wheel or fender? is it aligned properly with the wide worksman wheel? What does that thing weight without the engine?