New Member
I did NOT get what I paid for.
I agree. 50 bucks for a freaking clutch and gasket that cant even survive 1-2 weeks due low quality is simply UNACCEPTABLE
I did NOT get what I paid for.
I The customer service is as good as they can manage. If they hire more staff to handle that aspect, the price for the goods they sell must increase.
These guys that get on here and say things like, I love my Grubee piece of junk, I want to get to know it better by it breaking down constantly, are full of it. Or say, I've put a hundreds of miles on my bmx chain... so, was that right before it broke running your little 30cc engine? Then you pedaled the rest of the way home? You'll rack up hundreds of miles joy riding a Honda, in a short time at that.
I took shop in Jr. High. We took engines apart and put them back together again. Nothing I need to "get to know", either I can put gas in it and ride it or I'm wishing I bought something else. (which I did)
These guys are either not playing with a full deck, trying to bs others or are just sadistic and like causing themselves pain. Odds are, the majority of the people looking to put an engine on a bike, actually want to ride it or sell it. Grubee is not fighting competition by cutting so many corners, b/c the next price range engine kit is over a hundred dollars higher than the skyhawk. So that's just profit going right into their pockets while they laugh at us stupid Americans that bought it.
I actually believe and told Don that these could be really nice engine kits. I think, for the most part, the same blueprints with stronger material, would be a nice kit and it wouldn't cost them much more to make it happen when it comes to buying in high volumes. But that won't happen unless the government forced quality control or the the manufacturer had morals and scruples. It would be nice to see American companies step it up and not fall as crmachineman was describing, to foreign companies that can sell their product because of low prices rather than its usefulness. I would go one step further though. Our government is to blame, for allowing such trash to flood our markets. It's a rare thing when I can buy something from our local china-mart and not have to take it right back for a refund. very sad, that this is expected to be the new normal.
So... I finally have my new Grubee replacement engine five months after I bought the first one, three months after mine died (with very low miles on it) and over a month longer than Don said it would arrive. I'm also supposed to believe that is so busy they can't answer the phone and they don't have one little cheap replacement engine in stock to send me, so it needed to be shipped all the way from China. ??? NOT!
Now I need to figure out what to do with it. I certainly don't want to waste another five months working on it. I wouldn't want to sell or give it away because that would be cruel to the next person. I think I'll just cruise around for a couple hours on my Honda and think about it. Oh, and if I pass one you "I love my junk engine kit" guys broken down on the side of the road, would you like for me to stop and help or just keep on riding?