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New Member | | Nationwide Access, LLC

The worst company I've ever dealt with. Their goal is to make our lives miserable.
Was hoping all the negative posts against them were old and they corrected the problems. Unfortunately, the negative posts list only continues to grow.
They have a lot of nerve basing their company on American soil AND screwing everyone that deals with them!
I'm convinced they need a class action lawsuit against them.

Here's the short history of my experience:

Put bike together February 12-13, 2012
Date: February 13, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
* Put engine on bike
* pedaled bike
* started bike (good news)
* chain broke (bad news)

Can you do anything about this for me?


Company Reply: None
Date: February 14, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
I put my kit together. Everything went fine. The chain has broken three times in less than 20 yards. Can you help me out with this?


Company Reply: <[email protected]> Hi, we do not warranty the chain the warranty is on engine only
Date: February 15, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
the chain you sent me is brittle like a twig and is not the proper part for this application. Please send me the proper chain, that is designed to be used on a motor, such as #41 roller chain.

Company Reply: <[email protected]> 410 standard chain is what comes in the kit, if the motor kit is installed right and the front sprocket is lined up straight with the back and you use the proper chain tensioning with the tensioner then the chain will not break
Date: February 15, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
installed properly. pedals just fine until the power of the motor takes over.
according to forum reviews. the chain they come with are regular bike chains and break very quickly because it's not the proper part for use with a motor.

Company Reply: None
Date: February 16, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>,<[email protected]>,<[email protected]>,<[email protected]>
Chain broke 3 times starting engine => Replaced with #41 chain ($30). Works great.
Spark plug wire housing broke trying to snap onto plug => Doesn't fit. Took off spark plug tip. Now sits loosely on plug.
Kill switch and engine wires have male connectors => Had to cut/splice wires together.
Carburetor air filter too large on engine to fit in small space => Had to use angled pipe to reroute it. It does not sit level now. May be a problem???
Sprocket bolt broke while tightening => Bolts are cheap and inadequate.
Two idler pulley bolts broke while REMOVING them => Bolts are cheap and inadequate.
Note: All SkyHawk GT kits come with throttle cable pre-attached to the carburetor. => Mine did not. SKYHAWK WEB INSTRUCTIONS.htm

I think owes me the price of the chain, some quality replacement nuts and bolts and probably a few more things. Only time will tell. Would have gladly paid a little more for quality parts up front instead of having my time wasted.


Company Reply: None
Date: March 3, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>,<[email protected]>,<[email protected]>,<[email protected]>
Since putting my bike together on the weekend of February 11-12, I have not been able to safely ride this bike until the week of February 27 - March 3.
I was lead to believe I was purchasing a bike/engine kit that is road worthy and safe out of the box. But instead you sold me a kit that is unusable and life threatening until replacing many of your improperly sized and inadequately constructed parts.

Current list of inadequate parts:

* Chain
Built with lesser quality than a regular bike chain. It broke 3 times while only trying to start it for the fist time. Your tech told me it was properly sized and would work fine if it was put on correctly. He was wrong. I bought a #41 roller chain and have not had one problem since.

* Idler Pulley
This dangerous device could have killed me at a higher speed. The bolts are so cheap that the chain spun the pulley right into the spokes and damaged a spoke. While unscrewing the bolts, they broke off. After installing the proper strength bolts constructed of steel, the pulley has remained in in its' place.
The pulley wheel itself had an inadequate bearing spacer made of aluminum which broke into pieces causing the idler wheel to lock up. I replaced the spacer with a properly constructed one made of steel and it hasn't had a problem since.

Grubee, Inc. stated on their website that all their carburetor's come per-attached to the throttle mechanism. Mine did not. The carburetor float was not properly adjusted and was causing most of the gas to leak out from the overflow onto my leg, on the bike and on the engine (which is unsafe and a very dangerous fire hazard). The air filter is not designed properly to allow air to flow at your poorly recommended break-in fuel/oil mixture of 16:1. At 16:1 oil was seeping from the engine block, spark-plug hole and the from both ends of the carburetor. The spark-plug was fouling and dripping wet of oil. Also, oil would splash backward out of the intake clogging the filter and not allowing air in. This caused it to run very poorly and bog down to about 10mph. I had to install a radiator hose to move the filter away from the splashing oil for it to properly work. There was also oil seeping out of the poorly designed plastic spacer used to attach the carburetor, causing the carburetor to slide off while driving!

The muffler vibrated completely apart. Also, the black coating on the muffler is melting into a brownish color.

*Sprocket Bolts
One bolt broke while insuring that they were safely tightened. They are all very cheap. I replaced the broken one with steel and cranked it tight and safe. I expect to have to do the same with the rest.

Summary: has failed in every way in delivering what I paid for. The best I could have done with the kit and parts you sold me was to start it and listen to the engine run. After researching each of my problems, I have found that your customers have had the very same ones. This makes your company completely negligent. And your negligence as been a danger to myself, your customers and the public. Also, a waste of a great deal of my valuable time.

The price to fix/replace your inadequate parts:
#41 Roller Chain: $28.89

Air filter hose: $7.50

Bolts/Hardware: $3.00

Muffler: I have not done anything yet with the broken muffler.

Damaged spoke: I have not yet fixed the damage to my spoke caused by your cheap idler pulley bolts. But my tire is now wobbling.

My time wasted: 2 weeks

Company Reply: None
Date: March 8, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
After checking my mounting stud this morning, I slightly tightened the rut and all the threads under the nut stripped off.
Is this covered in my warranty?


Company Reply: I'm still waiting
Date: March 8, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
There is rust developing inside my gas tank.
Is this covered by my warranty?


Company Reply: I'm still waiting
Date: March 10, 2012
Email To: <[email protected]>
Today I traveled 11 miles away from home and then the clutch went out. I was unable to fix it. After pedaling home, I took the cover off the gear box and found that there was no key installed to keep the gear on the shaft. Consequently, the only thing that was holding it on was a star washer. This along with the very large list of problems I have emailed you, I would like fixed. ASAP.

Company Reply: I'm still waiting


The attached picture is some of the broken parts. The border is a #41 roller chain to add contrast to the small bike chain they sent me.
John your points are valid,these little devils are made in dirt floor factories in China and are shipped to the cheaply as possible, however Gas Bike is the main importer of them so they have LOW prices,poor customer service,slow response time ,at least they will ship to you. I've experienced most of the same breakage as you, and, well as a hobby they are frustrating, time consuming, money pits that when I overcome the challenges they present and learn to transform these little lowgrade turds into a handmade thing that is COOL . When I'm riding my one of a kind expression, and I see a middle aged guy in a car look at me and nod, it makes it worth it and a lot more. My friends and I only use the motor and even that, we take it apart and go through it NUT and BOLT. The rest of it is junk made from the cheapest junk there is. If you do the research on this site an listen to what we've done you will find it very rewarding or not. On the other hand your only out 2 bills. Go to Harbor Freight and buy a fine electric tool and work the @#&t out of it see how long it lasts.Gas bike is importing and that means for now these little babies are coming into the good old U.S.A. I like that.usflgusflgusflg Bob
Welcome to the world of building a MB with a Chinese HT. Funny, I've been running my bike since 2009 with the factory chain. I bought a chain at Tractor Supply (after build finished) should I need it. As it hasn't broke (even once) it's still on the shelf.

Stripped, bolts/studs/nuts, bad tensioner design (along with many minor problems that you might incur) is one of the reasons why I wrote up this document.

Chinese HT engines not being worth a crap...So what is, that you get from China in the first place? Bad engines, tainted baby formula, sheet rock, lead in paint, to name a few. I try to buy very FEW Chinese supplied products, but it's very hard to find "MADE IN THE USA" today. I know people try to save money, so you give up quality made products.

These (under $200.00...I paid $123.00 to the door) engines can give you many hours of fun if you spend a little more time setting them up. Not saying you didn't, but you have to. If I spent $200.00 on diesel for my truck at today's prices, I could get 1,277 miles out of that $200.00, not even adding the $600.00 I pay for insurance each year. Been on my original (first was for son) engine since 3/2009.

Granted, the vendors SHOULD be more concerned with their customer support, but why should they have to? So many buyers out there like me and yourself..."REVIEWS" sometimes tell the story. I've come to find out that ABOUT all vendors (from reading reviews) treat their customers that way. I'm lucky, very lucky..out of 6 engines I've bought I had the magneto go bad on the first, that's all.
Now since we are on this subject, I'll never buy from BGF/luckyearlybird (they are related).
When the magneto went out, on the first engine, I wasn't sure it was the CDI or the magneto, so I contacted her, told her about it, and ordered one of each. When I found the defective part, I contacted her for a replacement and she basically told me tough s..t. So you are not in the life boat by yourself. Road ready? I was under the same misconception you are now.

My rant is over...... :>)
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You can buy a good chain for less than 15 bucks. Probably cheaper than paying shipping both ways even if they did warranty it. I think you will find that you will be replacing a lot of parts down the road for better quality stuff. These cheap kits just give you an education on how a MB should be built. At least that's how I look at it.
Remember they dont make or assemble the kits. They dont even open the boxes I dont believe. They ship them in and ship them out to us. Any research into these china girl kit tells you that all bolts are junk. Also you need to go through the entire motor before even putting it on your bike. I think the kits would be double the price they are if they were tested and provided with all quality parts, adjusted properly.
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theres a reason Staton charges over $500 for a chaindrive kit...
you get what you pay for
True, but I'd rather pay (highest price I've paid to the door $153.00) and go through it my self, that way I KNOW what I have. But there are others that can't/don't want to do the extra.
Sorry you had to go through this.
I called them last week to find out if thier 4g t transmissions are 5/8inch so as to fit on honda motor. the live chat person didnt know and referred me to tech support (which never answered the phone or called me back) thier price attracted me $99.00; as others who are $139.
I wont be ordering from them.
I bough parts nov 2011 they have told me that the parts have been resent at least two times still watting? It is only about 25.00 of parts but i called so many times they know my voice. The P.O. said it was mailed but could never find it? BEWARE
The OP does have a few legitimate complaints, but......he did not read the installation manual, might have done a few things wrong himself, and seems mechanically inexperienced, as we all once were, myself included. I have had my own problems with this company, but you cant blame every single thing that goes wrong on the company when you are the one who installed it. For example, I have had the same chain for 3 years and have used it with 4 different engines. its still as strong and as tight as the day i first put it on my first bike. Secondly, I have also had sprocket bolts snap on me, but it was due to my improper tightening of said bolts. You have to go around and tighten them a little at a time until they are all snug and not overtighten or they will snap. Thirdly, rust inside the tank? come on, the installation manual clearly recommends sealing the tank. They dont owe you anything for these parts. And the warranty is on the engine only. It even says so in the kit descriptions. it also says so in the installation manual. if you damage parts during the installation, its not covered by the warranty. it may not be very cool of them, but they do their best to make you aware of it before you even buy the kit. you cant break your parts while installing and then expect to hold them responsible.
Finally I get to update this thread...
And yes "motor_bike_fanatic" I read the manual. This stuff is pretty easy with good parts, but when you're dealing with junk (i.e. China/Grubee), broken down and headache will be your most familiar experiences.

So where did I leave off? oh yes...
The hardware and parts were breaking on a daily basis. So I got in touch with the founder himself, Don Grube.
He confirmed that did not send me the proper chain that the kit is supposed to come with. (I thought the dealers weren't supposed to open the boxes!)
I was perplexed when I opened the kit and the chain bag was already cut open. Here's Don's reply:
"We do not recommend the use of standard 410 bike chain when using a 66cc engine, 415 HD is much better."
How was that tiny chain they sent me supposed to withstand the horse power of a 66cc engine?

Well Don was being very helpful with all my broken parts and graciously sent me a bunch of replacements. Unfortunately replacing junk with junk still equals junk.
Shortly after receiving Don's gift package, my brand new engine made a skreeching sound and died. Of course (as per usual) it happened at the worst time possible, causing me to be late for work and ride over 24 miles.

At this point, I've almost pedaled from break downs as much as have ridden this thing. So I went back to helpful Don again. He said to send it to and they'll send me a replacement. Any guesses how that went? Just read my email instead:

To: Don Grube <[email protected]>
Cc: Nationwide Access <[email protected]>
It's June 5th and I have not received my replacement engine as promised.
I purchased my kit on February 2nd and it was delivered February 11. Nearly everything broke on it immediately. I've spent $56 shipping from and to under warranty.
Now it is five months after purchase and I was able to use that piece of junk for all of about two weeks and worked on it in all my spare time while I had it.
How about ship the engine to me "as promised" or send me my money back?

Understandably, I'm not too happy. Here's Don's reply:
"Your engine has been sent to you so please shut up! It was sent in Container load #11 as I promiced and was received by the WD last Friday. The WD had no spare loose engines so had to wait till yours arrived. Container 11 was re-routed back to Shanghai as the vessel blew an engine and had to return to port for repairs which is why it took so long to get to you."

No, shutting up is not what I'm going to do...

While I had so much time on my hands riding the bus to work and waiting for warranty parts to fix my Grubee kit (again), I decided enough was enough.
I set out to buy the most reliable motorized bike kit I could find, with two stipulations: nothing made in China and nothing from Grubee.
Unfortunately, I had to use a few things made in China and the chain Don Grube sent me. Those were the only parts that caused me problems.
The engine mounting nut/bolt Don sent me (even though I told him not to send me any) threads folded over immediately while tightening it for the fist time.
Shouldn't engine mounting hardware be strong?
The replacement chain Don sent me stretched like a rubber band, began to rust and kink.
I guess chain integrity, among everything else, isn't important.

Instead, I bought a Honda GXH50 with a EZ Qmatic Transmission. I am amazed every time I ride this thing, how awesome it is. My only concerns are flat tires! Wow, I commute over 35 miles a day to work easily. I've ridden this thing in the heaviest Florida downpours without any trouble. I've even slowed down to ask a guy pushing his expensive scooter if he needed help. When I drove off smiling, he knew what I was thinking.

FYI: The stock carb works great on the Honda after rigging up a nice throttle cable.

Bottom line: (if you want to RIDE your bike)
Do not buy anything that says "Made in China" or "Grubee", and you'll be happy. (period)

Finally I get to update this thread...
And yes "motor_bike_fanatic" I read the manual. This stuff is pretty easy with good parts, but when you're dealing with junk (i.e. China/Grubee), broken down and headache will be your most familiar experiences.

So where did I leave off? oh yes...
The hardware and parts were breaking on a daily basis. So I got in touch with the founder himself, Don Grube.
He confirmed that did not send me the proper chain that the kit is supposed to come with. (I thought the dealers weren't supposed to open the boxes!)
I was perplexed when I opened the kit and the chain bag was already cut open. Here's Don's reply:
"We do not recommend the use of standard 410 bike chain when using a 66cc engine, 415 HD is much better."
How was that tiny chain they sent me supposed to withstand the horse power of a 66cc engine?

Well Don was being very helpful with all my broken parts and graciously sent me a bunch of replacements. Unfortunately replacing junk with junk still equals junk.
Shortly after receiving Don's gift package, my brand new engine made a skreeching sound and died. Of course (as per usual) it happened at the worst time possible, causing me to be late for work and ride over 24 miles.

At this point, I've almost pedaled from break downs as much as have ridden this thing. So I went back to helpful Don again. He said to send it to and they'll send me a replacement. Any guesses how that went? Just read my email instead:

To: Don Grube <[email protected]>
Cc: Nationwide Access <[email protected]>
It's June 5th and I have not received my replacement engine as promised.
I purchased my kit on February 2nd and it was delivered February 11. Nearly everything broke on it immediately. I've spent $56 shipping from and to under warranty.
Now it is five months after purchase and I was able to use that piece of junk for all of about two weeks and worked on it in all my spare time while I had it.
How about ship the engine to me "as promised" or send me my money back?

Understandably, I'm not too happy. Here's Don's reply:
"Your engine has been sent to you so please shut up! It was sent in Container load #11 as I promiced and was received by the WD last Friday. The WD had no spare loose engines so had to wait till yours arrived. Container 11 was re-routed back to Shanghai as the vessel blew an engine and had to return to port for repairs which is why it took so long to get to you."

No, shutting up is not what I'm going to do...

While I had so much time on my hands riding the bus to work and waiting for warranty parts to fix my Grubee kit (again), I decided enough was enough.
I set out to buy the most reliable motorized bike kit I could find, with two stipulations: nothing made in China and nothing from Grubee.
Unfortunately, I had to use a few things made in China and the chain Don Grube sent me. Those were the only parts that caused me problems.
The engine mounting nut/bolt Don sent me (even though I told him not to send me any) threads folded over immediately while tightening it for the fist time.
Shouldn't engine mounting hardware be strong?
The replacement chain Don sent me stretched like a rubber band, began to rust and kink.
I guess chain integrity, among everything else, isn't important.

Instead, I bought a Honda GXH50 with a EZ Qmatic Transmission. I am amazed every time I ride this thing, how awesome it is. My only concerns are flat tires! Wow, I commute over 35 miles a day to work easily. I've ridden this thing in the heaviest Florida downpours without any trouble. I've even slowed down to ask a guy pushing his expensive scooter if he needed help. When I drove off smiling, he knew what I was thinking.

FYI: The stock carb works great on the Honda after rigging up a nice throttle cable.

Bottom line: (if you want to RIDE your bike)
Do not buy anything that says "Made in China" or "Grubee", and you'll be happy. (period)


IMHO it's not the china motor, you're just not up to the task, or lacking the patients to get things done and have the wrong attitude to get people to help you. Sure the china kits are not bullet proof, their not expensive either, you get what you pay for. MANY of us have been able to take the same china parts you are complaining about and have and managed to make reliable bikes. Yes, there was a brief time (about a week on my first build) when I thought I would never be able to ride my bike without wrenching on it, soon enough with a little patience and a lot of reading and posting here in the forum I figured things out and got my bike running really sweet. Now when I ride she always fires right up and I hardly ever have to wrench on it. The bike has been very reliable for me for a 1,200 miles and over a year with the same engine kit you're complaining about. Yah, the chain and studs are weak, spend the $20 and buy the parts that solid and move on. Would be nice if the kit had more solid accessories but they compete for the lowest price and that is where the cuts are made, it's the nature of business.
I also had some communication with Don Grube and he also sent me some free parts, difference being, he was never the slightest bit rude to me even though I was contacting him with complaints, and the parts he sent me were really sweet. From your posting here in the forum and reading your reply from Don all I can say is you need to calm down a bit and be a bit more polite if you expect people to help you. Patience goes a long way in this hobby.
Glad you got a Honda and are happy with it, being a Honda I would expect nothing less. That said, I'm sure it set you back a bit more than the Grubee kit.... You get what you pay for....
Hope you have a good experience with your honda, and if you ever decide to revisit the china 2-stroke build do yourself a favor and post your questions and concerns here with a nice polite tone and people will give you good advice that WILL get that china girl rolling just like the rest of us. There are MANY riders happily running these motors, we're not all miracle workers!
Wow man, you're not getting it. I don't need help building it or patience, which I've gone miles beyond reasonable with the Grubee kit. I built my first bicycle by myself from spare parts in a junk pile from the bearing up when I was 8 years old and it was a solid bike. Parts made in the USA back then no doubt.

Here's one example:
The woodruff key on the grubee is about 1/2 the size of my finger nail. The Honda woodruff key is a long square chunk of steel with a set screw. Not going anywhere soon.

You put 1200 miles on your bike in a year? I've put that many on my bike in the last month. I spent $750 on my Honda kit. But I paid more for my Grubee kit after calculated all my wasted time.

Just follow my rule: NO GRUBEE, NO CHINA and you'll thank me later.
Wow man, you're not getting it. I don't need help building it or patience, which I've gone miles beyond reasonable with the Grubee kit. I built my first bicycle by myself from spare parts in a junk pile from the bearing up when I was 8 years old and it was a solid bike. Parts made in the USA back then no doubt.

Here's one example:
The woodruff key on the grubee is about 1/2 the size of my finger nail. The Honda woodruff key is a long square chunk of steel with a set screw. Not going anywhere soon.

You put 1200 miles on your bike in a year? I've put that many on my bike in the last month. I spent $750 on my Honda kit. But I paid more for my Grubee kit after calculated all my wasted time.

Just follow my rule: NO GRUBEE, NO CHINA and you'll thank me later.

Honestly man, I think you are the one not getting it. I said it several times in my previous post, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR. You paid $750 for your honda, thats a far cry from $179 for a china kit! FAR CRY. Yet you still seem to think the china kit should be as good as the honda for some reason? It's over $550 shy of what you got in the honda, it's not gonna be the same quality. I said it before and will say it again, PLENTY of riders are able to build and enjoy these china kits.
Yah, I only put about 1,200 miles on the bike in a year, but WINTER takes away most of my riding time and I have other toys to ride so the china girl only gets out a small fraction of the time I would like to, I do have a life and other things to take me away from riding....
Bought a exhaust gasket and centrifugal clutch for 50 with shipping. Gasket blasted into a million parts after a week. Lost my exhaust because of the the screws opened too.. 2 days later the clutch ripped apart as well due very low quality. It literally broke into all pieces between gear and clutch and I still wait for a response to get my money back. The emails btw don't work neither. To which email did you guys sent emails and got response?
Didn't I write before something about, for those who want to use their bikes with confidence beyond pedaling range? Obviously, you're are not one of them. Their ads will falsely lead people to believe they can reliably use these kits. But it is only for those who ride within pedaling distance from home, and whose time has little value to work on it and break down. Yes, I paid more for the Grubee b/c my time is money.

Now to follow up on nightcruiser's point earlier. They cut corners on important things like mounting hardware to save a buck. Eventually, they will cut the last corner and someone is going to get killed, but don't let it be said, that I have not raised the danger flags of these China/Grubee kits.

If a lawyer is reading this. I believe there is enough evidence to go after the US distributors for negligence and safety issues alone. There are volumes of bad posts regarding these kits, that I wish I found before buying.

I've said my peace, honestly and truthfully for the betterment of all.


I would like to add one more thing.
I did NOT get what I paid for.

I paid for a brand-new engine kit that I rightly expected to put together and use.
Instead, I got a brand-new engine kit that needed the hardware replaced with new brand-new hardware.
Then my new parts started going bad, which needed to be replaced with new brand-new parts. The problem is that the engine kit is proprietary, so I needed to go to the same source for my new brand-new parts, which upon recieving needed to be replaced with new brand-new parts again. So my new parts stay new and unusable, but never get old.

No sir, I did not pay for this. And the idea that I should except this as, getting what I paid for, is twisted thinking straight from Don Grube and company.

There are quality engine kits out there in the $300-$500 dollar range that would better suit any one in the market for cost-effective motor biking that do not have those "bad names" on them.
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