Any members law enforcement officers?


MB Builder Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2008
coventry, RI
If you read here: Motorized Bicycles - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @
you'll see how the vast majority of officers are both ignorant of MB laws, and purely hateful, to those riding them.

i registered, but because i'm not a cop, wasn't allowed to post.

I thought matbe if there were any members/officers, they may be able to shed some positive light on won't find any in that thread, as it sits.


New Member
Sep 4, 2008
Lake havasu city
Seems as though their talking about scooters as opposed to the stuff we use, MB's.I carry a copy of the Az. statute with me just in case.You guys are lucky in Ind., you can go 25mph, Az. is only 20mph.I haven't had any trouble at all,probably because I'm the only one in my town of 50,000 that uses one.Like anything else, a percentage of police have ****ty attitudes probably more so in a large metropolitan area like yours.But I think their reffering to unlicensed scooters or "damn" scooters as they put it........Bill


LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Man I looked at their posts I wonder if they were abused as childern? or feed donuts filled with crap? Kind of also looks like a game of cowboy vs indians and we are the indians.
I haven't bought any dope from any motorassisted bicycle driver . I must be living in the wrong town, that forum isn't what I'd call friendly.
Peotect and service my foot.


New Member
Jul 15, 2008
OC, Ca
Oh well. Many have negative things to say about many law enforcement officers. It only stands to reason that they have a lot of negative things to say about other groups. If you know and obey the law, one would not have as much trouble with it. But it does help to have a copy of it with you just in case they are as ignorant of it.


MB Builder Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2008
coventry, RI
Oh well. Many have negative things to say about many law enforcement officers. It only stands to reason that they have a lot of negative things to say about other groups. If you know and obey the law, one would not have as much trouble with it. But it does help to have a copy of it with you just in case they are as ignorant of it.
actually, the very first post mentions "motorized bicycles".....

true, although, what about that post "i figure if a tow a bunch and never see them again, i must be doing something right." (or whatever it said) what kind of crap is that?

i wanted to post on there, how MBs are a god-send for some people. these have been the saving grace for lots of good people, that have no other means of transpo.
just because some choose to ride like idiots, doesnt mean they neeed to 'tow one or two a night' because not every rider is breaking the law.
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Aug 23, 2008
Long Island, NY
Here on Long Island motorized bicycles are illegal, but the law isn't enforced. Sometimes I go on rides to the north shore and pass cops on the side of the road; they don't care.


New Member
Sep 6, 2008
Santa Barbara
I am a Law Enforcement Officer. I am a California State Park Ranger. In California Rangers are full fledge peace officer with state-wide authority. I am also a very enthusiastic Motorized Bike owner and rider. I have a 2.5 mile commute along the pacific coast from my house to work and its the best pre and post work decompression I can come up with to cruse along that road on my motorized cruiser.

One problem with forum such as the law enforcement one that you are mentioning is that they cover so many regions. its hard to talk about enforcement of motorized bikes when every state, county, city, regional district, etc has its own little rules. My advice to you is to know the rules where you ride and follow them. if you know the rule and you can respectfully quote them or better yet produce them, the any officer who is worth his weight will go with that. if you get a jerk, you are not going to get anywhere with them at all so i fall back on my fathers advice. "do what the officer says, sign the ticket, and contest it in court. I would like to say that alot of the commentary on that Law Enforcement Forum is not reflective of most of the cops i know. perhaps that forum is attracting a certain sub culture that has misguided priorities. Just my two cents



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I did some time on the blue line many years ago and my thinking and posting is always the same. As Joe Friday on dragnet once said. "The problem with cops is that we have to recruit from the human race."