Where can I get new 2011 grubee engines???


New Member
Just a question? Are they still being imported? It seems to me that no one is getting shipments of new engines. Everywhere I look has very limited stock/ old stock. If you look at grubees website, they have all kinds of new products etc. Just want a gt5 or a sr, seems that they are getting harder and harder to get and more expensive. Is it the EPA ? Or is everyone going to 4 strokes? I just wanted an up to date thread about where to get these engines grubee or not.
Just a question? Are they still being imported? It seems to me that no one is getting shipments of new engines. Everywhere I look has very limited stock/ old stock. If you look at grubees website, they have all kinds of new products etc. Just want a gt5 or a sr, seems that they are getting harder and harder to get and more expensive. Is it the EPA ? Or is everyone going to 4 strokes? I just wanted an up to date thread about where to get these engines grubee or not.
Yes, they are still being imported.
Don't know where you are looking, but Piston Bikes has lots of
Grubee SkyHawk manufactured this year motor kits ready to ship.
They are 2011 EPA motors.
Grubee Race 80/66cc Silver SkyHawk Angle Fire Bicycle Engine Kit

Rob and Gregg are great people to deal with too.
Open 7 days a week and they actually answer their phone. lol
Thank u for the info, I thought they were out of stock or discontinued. Also are there any other engines worth getting other than the grubees? Ones with wider frame mounting ?
No but I think they were high when they put it together, the head wasn't torque down all the way lol.
How about the super rats? They still aren't available ? That was really what I wanted to inquire about before it was moved to swap and shop
I know, I have heard bad things about it also, but almost every problem was with the carb. I would put a dellorto or a mikuni right off the bat. I think the potential in the engine itself is worth it because when u get it dialed in it will be better than any gt5, pk80.
I know, I have heard bad things about it also, but almost every problem was with the carb. I would put a dellorto or a mikuni right off the bat. I think the potential in the engine itself is worth it because when u get it dialed in it will be better than any gt5, pk80.

hate to say it but looks like gasbike.net has your super rat, not so sure it's a good thing seems like to much change at once from a product that took them how long to make what it is now.
No the sr isn't in stock anywhere. If u try to put it in ur cart, it says there is 0 units available. I just think it is a better starting point than any other ht motor. It has bhigher comp and better bearings , bigger ports etc. That's why I'm trying to find one, if not I guess I'll try for the morini exept it's a lot more coin. :(
Yes, they are still being imported.
Don't know where you are looking, but Piston Bikes has lots of
Grubee SkyHawk manufactured this year motor kits ready to ship.
They are 2011 EPA motors.
Grubee Race 80/66cc Silver SkyHawk Angle Fire Bicycle Engine Kit

Rob and Gregg are great people to deal with too.
Open 7 days a week and they actually answer their phone. lol

I have heard that the Super Rat was pulled from sale due to ignition problems and other issues till they can be fixed. I know that Piston Bikes had them for sale for a while and then took down the banner.


As for 2011 engines I have to agree with MotorBicycleRacing PB is a great source and has had the 2011s available since March I think.

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super rats should be in stock this week at gasbike/kingsmotorbikes and they also have the 2011 gta5 with wider intake port
super rats should be in stock this week at gasbike/kingsmotorbikes and they also have the 2011 gta5 with wider intake port

Again, buy from Kings/Gasbike at your own risk... Search them here for reviews, it isn't pretty... BTW The soper rats were pulled from sale about 3 months ago and as of yet to my knowledge the existing problems have not yet been corrected.
Again, buy from Kings/Gasbike at your own risk... Search them here for reviews, it isn't pretty... BTW The soper rats were pulled from sale about 3 months ago and as of yet to my knowledge the existing problems have not yet been corrected.

they have not been pulled they are just out of stock, but they do have a few super rat motors only but you have to do a custom order over the phone
But there lies the dilemma , I have read many posts of gasbike and kings supplying gt5 when a sr was ordered. And one unlucky fellow wo got a bad or "used" engine sent to them from this supplier. I started this Thread in hopes of getting some answers to the question of if they are still being made and imported to the US because of EPA cert issues? Or are they just not selling enough for suppliers here to order minimum quantitys. I would like to order from a reputable place. For instance , Pirate Cycles doesn't even show any china kits on they're site at all anymore
And you have intimate knowledge of this HOW?

I work in the shipping department and I was told that we should be getting super rats tomorrow, I will let know if they come in and if you order a super rat I assure you you will get a super rat not a gt5, the last guy we had doing shipping was terrible but he is gone now, and I do not ship used motors the boxes are strapped when we get them from china and are unopened and yes they are factory tested
I had ordered two SuperRat Kits in the Spring from BikeBerry. They had been out of stock for a period and had a due date for availability, I waited for the date and checked. On that date in the spring the out of stock went away, I chatted with their online help and they said the kit was available, so I ordered two. After the order went through it showed up as backorded. I contacted bikeberry who said pre-orders had been filled and I was now on the list to receive a SuperRat kit from a shipment that would arrive (to them) in two days, never happened. Next week, same story, will ship Thurs. 3rd week, same deal. So I questioned them about what was really going on, they said the kits were held up by US customs for inspection and would be released soon. Week later still no kit so I pressed for a refund and got it.
I contacted Don Grubee about the deal, he mentioned dates and numbers of SuperRat kits that left China bound for the USA, and some stuff about how US customs can be rough if they decide to inspect shipments etc. He also said GasBike.net would be the sole distributor for the SuperRat kits. So, with my money refunded and spring turning into summer I purchased 2 GT5 kits from GasBike.net, who quickly shipped me two sealed kits dated 04-20-2011.
I am SO GLAD I said screw the SuperRat and ordered the regular GT5 (which GasBike said they had like 360 kits in stock at the time), I have been riding my bike for a while now, way better than sitting in front of a pc checking stock on the elusive "SuperRat"! Don't get me wrong, I wanted that kit pretty bad too, better bearings and all, but I am pretty darn happy with my regular GT5. If the SuperRats come available I will listen to see what people say, if they are nice and not problematic I will probably buy it as an upgrade and build up another bike with this GT5 for someone else.
The thing about the kit is, I didn't use a whole lot of it! Well, I did, for a very short while! LOL. Chain=snap, spark plug cap=crack, throttle=crap, you get the picture. I almost immediately changed all these things:
New NGK plug
New Plug wire and cap
New #41 chain
New metal throttle
At this point, from the kit, I am using engine, engine mounts, carb.... I am still using the choke lever which works but needs tweaking every day to hold tension, and the chain tensioner for now, but those two parts will soon be replaced by something better. I'm also using the rag-joint sprocket from the kit for now, but since my rim was rough to start with and 32 spoke (not 36 like the kit was designed for) I am going to replace the rear wheel with something that has direct drive from sprocket to hub rather than driving the spokes via rag-joint.
I am glad I bought the kits though, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to figure out how to put these things together to make this thing work! Once I had the kit and saw how it worked I could clearly see how the above stuff just needed to be upgraded, specially since the cost is so little. NGK Plug - couple bucks, nice plug wire and cap - couple bucks, enough heavy duty #41 chain for two bikes - about 15 bucks, and the most expensive was an all metal mini-bike style throttle - 23 bucks after shipping from ebay.
So, if by next season the Super Rat is available and kickin butt I will order me up an engine only package (if they will sell that one that way) and someone else will end up with a nicely broke in GT5.....
Until then I'll be enjoying riding this summer on my not so super rat bike!