new Old Toy


Hi all

I bought myself a new toy to play with yesterday . I have been looking for one for a while . I missed it on eBay the last time it went around . It is a 1948 Cushman Package Kar . It is not a runner so I won't feel bad about updating it to be more reliable . I plan on going with a new Chinese Lifan engine with a 4 speed semi-auto . I also want to make a new front box for it in the same shape as the 1939 model (B&W photo) . I found the picture of the yellow one on the Cushman club site . It will be a couple of weeks before it arrives . My only regret is that it doesn't have pedals . ........... D.J.




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That is freaking cool. I've seen 2 wheeled, 4 wheeled, end 3 wheeled trucks with a single front wheel but I've never seen anything like this before. What would the original use of this have been? I'm thinking ice cream maybe...Kelly
now that is cool! i can't wait to see it when you are done with it.(^)

That makes two of us.
A 4 stroke Lifan motor is a good choice. I have a pumped 149cc Lifan on one of my karts and it runs like a bat out of ****! Keep us updated.
I am always amazed at the things that turn up. I have never seen one of those. I did once own a cushman mail trike, butI have never even seen one of these. I was thinking the old police dept cushman's. They still had those when I was on the local pd. It looks like a lot of work, but you should have a ball working on it. Good luck
It looks like you found yourself a awesome one too. All I can say is wow, what a great find. Cushman's are really cool. We have a few different models in the collection at the museum where I work. Not one like this though.

The 1939 front box will certainly draw a crowd wherever you go.
That is freaking cool. I've seen 2 wheeled, 4 wheeled, end 3 wheeled trucks with a single front wheel but I've never seen anything like this before. What would the original use of this have been? I'm thinking ice cream maybe...Kelly

It seems that the military used them for small packages on large bases and the private sector used them for parcel delivery . .....D.J.




I just got back from picking up my new old toy . The shipping companies kept changing their prices and cancelling on me so I decided to go and get it myself . They went so far as to charge for a hydraulic tailgate pick-up and then tell me that they would require me to supply a fork lift at both ends of the trip . I called a recently retired friend and asked if he wanted to go to Vermont and get my new old toy . Without hesitation he said yes . We have been friends since high school . 5 days later , we were off on our 6 day 4000 mile trip . We had minimal problems on the trip . We lost the license plate bracket , left tail light and half of the wiring on the trailer somewhere in Wisconsin . We went to the local auto parts dealer the next day and were on the road in less than an hour . We went through New York at night . Was that ever scary . We got directions to a motel that was closed for reconstruction . There was no way that we were going to stay in that neighborhood even if the place was open . It was a great trip with a good friend . Everyone needs to go on a trip like this . It's also a good idea to travel with a retired millionaire . ..................... D.J.

Isn't she pretty .

wow! can i ask you to please post pictures as you restore it. that is awesome. i love toys like that (^)