2nd ride in to work this week....20 miles...



New Member
Jun 5, 2008
I rode my bike to work again today - this is my 2nd time commuting, and also my 2nd time this week. Here are the statistics off my bike computer (which wasn’t working last time I rode in):

Trip Distance – 19.74 miles

Trip Time – 41:44

Average Speed – 28.32 mph

Max Speed – 37.26 mph

Obviously the average speed and trip time are a bit skewed since the computer stops counting when you come to a stop, but the trip actually took only 45 minutes - I made most of the lights, which would work out to an average speed of about 26 mph. I didn’t ride on ANY bike paths this time….motored all the way! Ha-Ha! Instead of riding on the bike path between 59 and Bartlett Rd, I rode up Shoe Factory Rd. And instead of riding from 53 to New Wilke on the bike path, I took the frontage road (that runs along 53) to Golf, then took Golf all the way up to New Wilke and cut through the Continental Towers parking lot. Smooth sailing all the way! Based on my rough calculations I’m getting about 150 miles per gallon.


PS - I had to slow down for a group of 3 raccoons that were crossing the street a couple miles from my house.....still dark out at the time. I must have gotten too close the last guy across the road because he stopped and turned towards me like he was ready to fight! Haha....yikes!


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
Raccoons can be pretty tough honery critters....especially the city coons. I caught one getting into my garbage in the carport and tried to scare him off....big mistake lol. He looked me right in the eye and HISSED at me...he was ready to fight ! Scared the fire out of me LOL....almost broke the back door I slammed it so hard !

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Most wild animals are out either early morning or dusk...watch for them more closely....I had a deer run out in front of me a week or so ago. I don't think it heard or saw me. It was waaaay out in the middle of nowhere at dusk. Rabbits and ground hogs are out all day, not to mention the suicidal squirrels.


New Member
May 28, 2008
Speaking of squirrels, I was ON AN EARLY MORNING RIDE near a state forest, when I saw a hawk taking off 20 feet off to the side of the road with a poor unfortunate squirrel in its talons, got a good look because for a brief moment he was matching my speed, going along right beside me, not more than 3 or 4 feet off the ground.
I guess dawn or dusk is a good time to catch stuff like that.


Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona
Once back about 1984 I hit a skunk with my back wheel as he tried to get past ahead of me on the road. People could smell me as I passed for the rest of the race. Fortunately I out ran the stink ... untill I stopped.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Well, well....it was bound to happen right?

No, I didn't nail a ground hog with my bike, I nailed a deer with my truck today.

It was in a semi-residential area, speed limit 45 mph. I was going 45 and the deer jumped out from behind a pine tree and hit me right in the front fender and windshield.
It flipped up over the cab and went into the back of the truck and thrashed around in 130.00 worth of groceries.

I stopped the truck, got out, and spit out a mouth full of glass! I got back in the cab and the &^%$! deer jumped up off the road and ran off through the yards!!!!!

No comprehensive insurance on this truck either...just the state law liability.

I called the state patrol and they said "If you can drive it home, fine." and "Too bad."
I drove it home....don't know if I can fix it.


Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I'm sure he didn't last long after he ran back to the woods. It was a big deer, but the truck is bigger.

Still picking glass out of my head/neck/back/shoes/ect.

Sorry to hijack the thread, I'm done.