Stretch Bronco, 125CC, Upgrades


New Member
Hi, This is the same frame I've had for a while with a new 125CC 4 stroke, 3 speed, automatic clutch. I added two more bearings to each hub and the jackshaft. Each has 4 bearings now. The gas tank underneath is new with a pulse fuel pump. I made it from oval exhaust tubing and it holds about 1/2 gallons. The tank on top the engine holds the electrical components. The seat is a new bobber mounted to the Micargi seat springs.

CH: The pedal chain just runs under two idlers from a chinese engine kit. One holds the top of the chain and one the bottom.


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i-paint, all I can say is wow!

Thanks again for sharing your builds with us.

brnot Peace Crazy Horse.
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SWeet bike i love the color scheme and it looks great... nice exhaust... with the gas tank below how does it work??? im used to gravity-feed
SWeet bike i love the color scheme and it looks great... nice exhaust... with the gas tank below how does it work??? im used to gravity-feed

Thanks. The fuel is moved by the pump attached to the side of the tank. It has a hose that is connected to the intake manifold. The pulses created by the piston in side the engine moves a diaphragm inside the pump which pumps the fuel to the carburetor. They are common on snowmobiles, ultralight airplanes, jetskis etc.
hello im going to get the same bike. i have a some questions.

where can i get

front fork
Rims and tires
head light


your bikes looks and is BAD ASS!!!! .shft.
Thanks! Fulltimer: between 55-60mph depend on the wind. Strong headwind really slows it down.

wrx2bike: Thanks! I bought the engine on ebay. Just punch in 125CC engine.
Hey i-paint, very nice and clean looking bike you have there!! usflg I see you have a whole lighting system on it also, do you mind telling me where i can get one of those?
I told ya these guys would love that bike..It is tastefully awesome.
Good job.. Those engines will always remind me of the old Honda mini-trails from back in the early 70's, only yours is a whole lot bigger.
Cool, i just took a look at the website, so could you give me a list of all the electronics you bought from there?? like did you have to buy wire and other things to get the whole system working?