New Member
First off, wanted to say hello and thanks for the information provided here thus far. I have a new (2010) 66cc/80cc 2 Stroke Motor Engine Kit (Grubee SkyHawk GT5) mounted and ready to go. I could snap my fingers, and the bike fires right up, idles, and even revs just like it should. The trouble is when I go to ride it, the motor will run up until about 1/4 throttle, then it bogs down and dies. I really don't even need to use the choke, it fires up every time. I have messed with the 2 adjustments on the carb and tried the pacman clip on the stock location, the leanest setting, and now it is on the 2nd from teh bottom running rich. Still idles great, but dies when I ride it. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.