Idles great....Dies when riding?


New Member
Jan 3, 2011
Olympia, Washington
First off, wanted to say hello and thanks for the information provided here thus far. I have a new (2010) 66cc/80cc 2 Stroke Motor Engine Kit (Grubee SkyHawk GT5) mounted and ready to go. I could snap my fingers, and the bike fires right up, idles, and even revs just like it should. The trouble is when I go to ride it, the motor will run up until about 1/4 throttle, then it bogs down and dies. I really don't even need to use the choke, it fires up every time. I have messed with the 2 adjustments on the carb and tried the pacman clip on the stock location, the leanest setting, and now it is on the 2nd from teh bottom running rich. Still idles great, but dies when I ride it. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.:-||

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I barely have to pedal at all to start the motor. My fuel mix is about 17:1 to break in the motor.
After the engine is started, you still have to pedal to help the bike get moving! You can't just take off from a dead stop using only the engines power... Try it. :)

Also, use 24:1 for the first 2 gallons to break in the engine, then switch to 32:1. (Too much oil can cause poor performance.)


New Member
Jan 3, 2011
Olympia, Washington
Thats what I do. I continue to pedal. I'm wondering when it bogs down if that is too much or not enough gas? I'm leaning towards not enough? Just weird that it idles and revs at a stand still perfect, but when you put a load on, it dies.


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Daytona Beach
There is a screw on the side of your carb, if it is the carb that I have, just turn it in screw it in. See what happends. remember how many times you screwed it in and if it does not make a difference you can screw it out the same amount.


New Member
Jan 3, 2011
Olympia, Washington
It turns out it was the mixture. The manual called for 18:1 mix....should have known with how terrible the instructions are! Changed it to 24:1 and it ran like a champ. Got it all painted and it turned heads all weekend! Thanks again for the help!