Dead Ebike


New Member
So one day I go to get on my bike after it was sitting untouched in the living room and I use the throttle and nothing happens. I checked to make sure there was enough power coming from the battery and there is. I checked all the wires and I was able to figure out that there is power going into the controller but I was not able to get a reading coming out of the controller going to the motor.

so I take it down to get fixed and this is a very big tassel for me as it takes 3 hours round trip by bus to get to the repair shop. It's also a large pain to get a ride down there as well. So that's fine. It gets fixed and I'm told the controller was dead.

So I bring it home with no problems and I even used it the next day as well with no problems. I go to get on it today and the same problem. The motor doesn't respond when I use the throttle. So it's sounding like the controller once again is dead. Either I have very bad luck and the controller being a used one was not up to par and was on it's last legs. The only other thing I can think of is something is causing the controller to fry and I don't know what this could be. I know they had problems with the kill switch at first but they replaced it so I was told..

I'm really at my wits end. Not only is this going to cost me more money but it's a royal pain in the but for me to go down to the shop to get it fixed!!!

Maybe it smells like new controller...If you don't (it's obvious really) know how to fix it yourself , just replace it with new (or newer , second hand) controller , because it will continue to drain money and nerves from you. It is hard to say what is wrong with it , only by your description of a problem (it can be many things).
Maybe it smells like new controller...If you don't (it's obvious really) know how to fix it yourself , just replace it with new (or newer , second hand) controller , because it will continue to drain money and nerves from you. It is hard to say what is wrong with it , only by your description of a problem (it can be many things).

The only difference this time is when I connect the battery's I get that little spark. I didn't get this the last time it was broken. If this is the 2nd controller that has failed then buying a 3rd might not be the entire solution. What happens if the 3rd controller fails as well ?
I knew something was different when I was getting a spark where I didn't before. I had charged up the battery's to full for kicks and hooked them up. Then I pushed the wires going to the motor closer to make sure there was a solid connection. Gave it throttle and the motor moved! So I look @ the wires and turns out one of them had come out and was not making a full connection to the other wires. So I fished the wire back in and plugged it in again and tried it again. The bikes moves forward. This makes me quite happy as it has saved me a lot of hassle and possibly money