HI From a writer

Welcome , come on in ,we won't hold being a writer against you! Why don't you get you hands dirty and build a bike??? Then you would really have a scoop. You no doubt will be hearing from The Deacon shortly, watch him, he and Uncle Kudzu will bend your ear if you let 'em. (c) Walter F.
Welcome Gwitt to the forum, glad you joined :D

I love that article, I've even printed it out and have it up on the wall :)
Thank's for the support...
Welcome Gwitt to the forum, glad you joined :D

I love that article, I've even printed it out and have it up on the wall :)
Thank's for the support...

I live in an area I thought would be to dangerous for motor bicycles. Two weekends ago I saw one criusing the streets having a blast. I really like the way he got pole position at all the stop lights. To much traffic to stop and chat to him- He actually dusted me through the lights and he lost me because I got stuck on a few red lights.

I infact didn't even realize it was a motorized bicycle until my nephew pointed it out to me- I was like holly cow it is one. The first one I saw in person. It was a nice dark metallic blue. I couldnt get any pictures with my cell- I was to late on that aspect
hi gw, welcome. you might be able to find that rider you saw in our members list by checking our members list. a friend of mine called super hunky was in the dirt diggers motorcycle club in the late 60s. at one meeting he passed out some papers w/pictures and short stories. after we read them he said he was thinking of starting a mag. that turned out to be dirt bike, after that he built an empire of about a dozen mags and became very rich. who knows? good luck mitch