minor bike philosopher
After the slipping incident last Sunday, I added a bunch of air to the drive wheel. That in turn created more tension on the drive. The bike has pulled a lot better but today was the first time I got to test it on real water. I'm talkin' real water here folks.
I took off to test charging times on sla batteries to compare to the new nimh if they ever show up. So I went to the park. I pretty much know how far that ride is. I was going to see how long it took per hour to charge the sla so I could compare that to the new batteries.
The story is I came to a flooded road. Broken water main I think. First I crossed the stream a half inch deep or so about a yard wide the bike didn't miss a beat. So when I came to the mini lake I decided to hit the throttle and roll through it. Then I figured I would check the length of time it took for the wheel to get dry enough to pull again.
I hit the water with the bike pulling. It pulled until my shoes was submerged and it kept pulling all the way through. It never missed a beat and it did not improve as the wheel got dry. That tells me there was no loss of friction at any point. I can ride the bike in the rain If I need to in order to get home. I was absolutely thrilled.
So far my fair evaluation of the bike scale of 1 to 10 ten being perfect.
cost of build .....9
ease of build....8
performance of drive.....9 up from 7 because of the slip last week.
wear and tear on tire...hard to say I started with old tires from a thrift store bike. There is more wear than I would have put on pedaling but the used tire is still functional several months later. I do need to change it soon but not immediately.
now I wish I had something to measure the energy usage against.
I took off to test charging times on sla batteries to compare to the new nimh if they ever show up. So I went to the park. I pretty much know how far that ride is. I was going to see how long it took per hour to charge the sla so I could compare that to the new batteries.
The story is I came to a flooded road. Broken water main I think. First I crossed the stream a half inch deep or so about a yard wide the bike didn't miss a beat. So when I came to the mini lake I decided to hit the throttle and roll through it. Then I figured I would check the length of time it took for the wheel to get dry enough to pull again.
I hit the water with the bike pulling. It pulled until my shoes was submerged and it kept pulling all the way through. It never missed a beat and it did not improve as the wheel got dry. That tells me there was no loss of friction at any point. I can ride the bike in the rain If I need to in order to get home. I was absolutely thrilled.
So far my fair evaluation of the bike scale of 1 to 10 ten being perfect.
cost of build .....9
ease of build....8
performance of drive.....9 up from 7 because of the slip last week.
wear and tear on tire...hard to say I started with old tires from a thrift store bike. There is more wear than I would have put on pedaling but the used tire is still functional several months later. I do need to change it soon but not immediately.
now I wish I had something to measure the energy usage against.