That was awesome!!!!


New Member
I just came in from my first run. That was AWESOME!!! I did small laps around the block in case of a catastrophic failure. Close enough to carry home if it all went wrong. Everything went perfect. put 4 miles on it, put it up on the lift, only needed to tighten rear axle. Now that I know it works, I'm going to tear it all down and paint the tank and chain guards. Mirrors, and some kind of lights. Come on spring!
Thats great tinker! (^) I always like to hear about the first ride. Reminds of the day I took my first ride years ago, I still smile when I think about it.

YAY! I'm only a couple weeks into my MB, that first ride was a great feeling! It proved to me I could put it all together and get it right. Among the feelings of euphoria is, accomplishment and pride. Still tweaking but I think that part never ends or it wouldn't be a hobby. Congrats tinker! :D
I just came in from my first run. That was AWESOME!!! I did small laps around the block in case of a catastrophic failure. Close enough to carry home if it all went wrong. Everything went perfect. put 4 miles on it, put it up on the lift, only needed to tighten rear axle. Now that I know it works, I'm going to tear it all down and paint the tank and chain guards. Mirrors, and some kind of lights. Come on spring!

( hums " Queen".....Another One Bites The dust ..)......we've all been there and will forever remember our first time ! :)

Shoot, I rode by myself sunday early morning and afternoon with a Buddy...... I can't tell you how happy I was when I finally turned in at home. It seemed I accomplished somthing really friggen cool............. Just like my first day.
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Hey Guys, The work day goes so slow when all you want to do is go home and ride..... Still dialing the bike in,but, its running great. From the sound of things I should carry gaskets with me? I read the tips thread and everyone put the fear of God in me..How long should I wait till I go farther from home & should I have a chase vehicle on speed dial?
Hey Guys, The work day goes so slow when all you want to do is go home and ride..... Still dialing the bike in,but, its running great. From the sound of things I should carry gaskets with me? I read the tips thread and everyone put the fear of God in me..How long should I wait till I go farther from home & should I have a chase vehicle on speed dial?

I'd recommend carrying a chain breaker tool and small vile of 2 stroke oil, and of course a small assortment of tools in a pouch {crescent wrench, 10mm wrench, pliers, phillips,etc}. All that stuff can fit into a pretty small bike pouch or fanny pack..flg.
Let me guess Tinker, unavoidable grin from ear to ear. And the Groups are priceless in helping to get it right the first time.