buggered kill switch


New Member
hi people i was hopeing some one could please help me .
I was going flat out down a hill to day and as i reached the bottom my bike died . i changed the spark plug and tryed to start her again no luck till i pushed the kill switch then she sprung to life so i rode home holding in the kill switch she still runs fine but only when i push in the switch . i have checked the wireing every thing seens fine any ideas on fixing it ?
I have no liceince so rely on it for transport.
Take apart the kill switch and repair it if possible....or, eliminate the kill switch and shut it off by choking it.
My first mb I never even hooked the kill switch up,I popped the clutch to kill it,or as mentioned above, choke it to death.
This is the second time we've heard this scenario whereby the engine will only run with the kill switch depressed. Check your ground wire, the black one from your engine to make sure it is properly connected to the black wire from the CDI. If that connection looks good then remove the magneto cover and check the connection where the black wire is attached to the magneto coil. Unfortunately the first gentleman who had this problem didn't get back to us with what he found.
I'm wondering if the spring inside the button moved & is now connecting the two wires, & pushing the button is now disconnecting the circut???
Will the bike run if you totally disconnect the button from the CDI wires?
Hey Venice,u are right on the money with that one...that is precisely what it is...nothing wrong with the ground...obviously ...THAT'S working REALLY good.
I have taken the kill switch apart by takeing out the yellow switch . still no luck so then taped some wire to conect the wires and bike starts but wont idle . ill now try the magneto thing . cheers
just checked the black wire connection yo cdi all good same with the wire to the magneto .

Could it be the cdi or could i bypass the kill switch if so how ?
Or would it reck anything if i soldered the kill switch wires together ??
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I have disconected both kill switch wires the green wire from the bike and unpluged the yellow/red from the white . Is that how you disconnect the kill switch ?? didnt work .
only way she runs is if i connect the to kill switch wires together ??
I have never used a kill switch and i cut the white wire off at the magneto.

Wire it black to black and green/blue to blue leave the white wire alone wrap the end so it doesnt touch any thing. it will run
I have disconected both kill switch wires the green wire from the bike and unpluged the yellow/red from the white . Is that how you disconnect the kill switch ?? didnt work .
only way she runs is if i connect the to kill switch wires together ??

Is there the two wires from magneto to coil connected???.shft.
tryed disconnecting the white and connecting the black to black and green blue to blue still nothing ???
tryed disconnecting the white and connecting the black to black and green blue to blue still nothing ???

then ive got no idea

When i first got 1 of these bikes it didnt have a kill switch so i tried wiring 1 into the earth lead somehow it fried the cdi i took the switch off and got a new cdi and never had a problem 3motors later
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ill try a new switch tonight and maybe a cdi but failing that ill just solder the kill switch wires together and see how long it lasts , i have talked to a few people now and with this forum and it is a spun out problem . its all gone back to front ???
cheers for all your help !!!!