Aternate L.A. ride this Sunday Feb 7th


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
glendale california
Alternate L.A. ride this Sunday Feb 7th

If Saturday's night right is rained out (and it doesn't look good right now) and even if its not,
we are gonna meet up at the golf course cafe on loz feliz and riverside drive Sunday at 9am for a ride (if its not raining then) having it earlier than before so we can all get back for the Superbowl (for those that care)
not trying to rain on your parade Bizcotch (pun intended) just trying give another alternative for the peeps that still wanna ride this weekend.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2009
eagle rock
If Saturday's night right is rained out (and it doesn't look good right now) and even if its not,
we are gonna meet up at the golf course cafe on loz feliz and riverside drive Sunday at 9am for a ride (if its not raining then) having it earlier than before so we can all get back for the Superbowl (for those that care)
not trying to rain on your parade Bizcotch (pun intended) just trying give another alternative for the peeps that still wanna ride this weekend.
If not rainin saturday night or Sunday mornin, I'll go to both. If it's rainin on both rides............. then I'll see you creeps at venice boys deal hahaha()

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I just posted on Edgars thread... My ex needs me to take the kids tonight & bring em back Sunday morning... so we can't make it to the night ride.
Me & Jen are gonna do a little ride Sunday at noon from my house down to Venice for a few beers & food if anyone wants to roll on this side of town. I'm not trying to split up Robs Sunday ride, but we won't have enough time to make it to the golf course in the morning.

If anyone wants to ride to Venice @ noon with us, call me in the morning.
~Norm 310 210-7396


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
glendale california
I just posted on Edgars thread... My ex needs me to take the kids tonight & bring em back Sunday morning... so we can't make it to the night ride.
Me & Jen are gonna do a little ride Sunday at noon from my house down to Venice for a few beers & food if anyone wants to roll on this side of town. I'm not trying to split up Robs Sunday ride, but we won't have enough time to make it to the golf course in the morning.

If anyone wants to ride to Venice @ noon with us, call me in the morning.
~Norm 310 210-7396
I'd roll down there , its just too late for me (got to get back for the bowl)
so whoevers up for Sunday either roll down to Venice or hook up with us at the loz feliz golf cafe at 9am. Rain permitting.


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
glendale california
i figured sat night would be a wash (turned out the weather was ok but made other plans thinking it was gonna rain) so planned the sunday ride , turned out to be longhair, turkman and me.
did about a 18 mile short run into eagle rock after breakfast at the golf course cafe.