Pant legs


New Member
Jul 19, 2009
So the weather here in Michigan is starting to change. I took the MB for a quick trip to the store, not even thinking it was the first time I was riding with pants instead of just shorts. Yeah, that's just and accident waiting to happen. Luckily I didn't get caught up in the drive chain but I did get caught on the clutch actuator several times

I guess I need to use the "commercial" leg straps or rubber bands.
Any other ideas?


New Member
Jul 19, 2009
Not far from the truth! They aren't necessarily bell bottoms but they are rather baggy cargo pants.

I guess it was more of a "watch out" comment for newbies.


New Member
Aug 7, 2008
seriously that happens to me constantly, very annoying... i tried tucking that corner of my pants in my shoes or socks, but it comes out... so i taped a piece of plastic over the clutch actuator so my pants would slide off of it...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
When I was a kid you were a nobody unless every pair of pants you owned had a chunk missing from a trip through the chain.Your stock in the biking community went up if you had a story about the wreck for every pair of pants.

Even better if you could show them the scars.

As long as last years pants fit mom didn't buy any new ones until school started and then you better wear your pant clips with the new ones. Schools out, games on.

My worst one was when I caught my pants and jammed the chain tight. I'm looking down to look at the damage and rode right up the guy wire shield of a telephone pole.
It was a short. sharp, trip downward from a 45 degree angle.
No leg out. No bracing myself. Just that star studded slam on the sidewalk every bike rider knows.

I was the town hero for the rest of the summer. Thats about how long it took me to heal.



New Member
Sep 9, 2009
fort collins colorado
i have only caught my pants on the my shoe lace wrapping the peddle well thats all the time...i just tuck them into my shoe now....
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Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Funny, I was just sitting in my garage a couple of days ago, after a ride, and looking at that clutch lever that is constantly grabbing my pants leg. "No how can I keep that from happening?" It is so annoying, and a little dangerous. I run chain guards on my bikes so the chain isn't really an issue. It's that lever that sticks out there. So far no good ideas that won't look bad so I found a spring loaded paper clip thing. Everyone has seen them, usually black, chrome squeezy handles and come in various sizes. When I park the bike I clip it on a clutch or brake cable then when I mount up I pinch my pants cuff and clip it tight with the metal clip thing. Looks dorky but my jeans don't get caught anymore.


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
Saint Joseph, MO
Ironically the only time I have ever caught my pant leg in a chain, it was the pedal side and it HAD a chain guard. I have no idea how it happened.

I was at a gas station once and there was this kid with his pant leg caught in his bike chain. People were walking by him left and right, I was the only one who stopped to help. What is wrong with people?


New Member
Aug 15, 2009
NE Pa.
I was at a gas station once and there was this kid with his pant leg caught in his bike chain. People were walking by him left and right, I was the only one who stopped to help.

What is wrong with people?

I'm afraid many people today think they're just too busy to take the time to be human. The two things I find to be in the shortest supply anymore is time and kindness.


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
Must be because I wear boot cut jeans of something because other then a little bit of blue fuzz I noticed on the end of the cable the other day I've never caught my pants on the clutch actuator. Looking at the thing I can't figure out how you guys are.


New Member
Aug 31, 2008
I walk around Grand Haven with a short piece of an old cinch strap around my left leg all of the time. Once or twice I've been asked what it is but I'd like to believe no one realy notices


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
i didn't know there was a 2 page thread dedicated to this annoyance. seriously, at least once a day, i'm pedaling off the line and my pant leg snags that acorn nut. the force from my pedaling down-stroke tries to knock over my bike, but the opposing force of holding on to the bars counters it.

i've got to figure something out. there's no way i'm gonna ride around with a clip on my pants, or worse, my pants tucked into my sock. i might as well just go spandex if i'm gonna do that...


New Member
Jul 21, 2009

Spandex... er... not :p

Found an interesting problem when I test-pedaled my new build, for some reason unfathomable to me - my shoelace loop catches the clutch actuator lever on the Rollfast, which never once happened on my Schwinn.

I suppose the very slight difference in mounting height between the two engines is what did it... still it's annoying as **** lol and I'm not about to get velcro shoes.

Guess I'm jus' gonna hafta remember to tuck my laces in before I ride *sigh* gotta suffer fer the sport ;)


Sep 15, 2009
Alta. Canada.
Goofy?? wata ya mean goofy?? what is it to anyone ?? I went for a ride tonite in 25below zero farh., and I wore jeans,and over that I wore sweats, and over that I wore those black track pants with the white stripe( Ricky the trailer park boy) pants if u know who that is. Any way, over that ,I had these big wolen socks pulled up around my pants on both sides. Do u think for one moment I care what anyone thinks about that??......just think about it...they are the goofs...very shallow and ignorant people if they're gonna laugh about the way my socks look. I got on a 300 dollar winter coat and u laughin??? go ahead and laugh!! Go ahead and laugh because to me u are just a meaningless idiot. Thats right.. a meaningless idiot. If I ever went around criticizing any one for what they wore or how they looked, well boy o boy that would be the day. In the summer I wear a reflective band around my pant leg. Just about evey one who rides a bicycle does that or pull up their sock on the right side .It is a very common thing.
Wear what u want to wear and how u want to wear it, and thats cool. If any one laughs at u, just remenber that they are a meaningless mindless idiot. Do not try to look or be cool , and that is what cool is, and that's natural cool.
A few years ago, I went out to learn how to play golf so I got myself a set of Wilson Clubs and at the end of my first season, I had 18 birdies on a miniature par 3 racked up. I also pared a 207 yard par 3 and birdied a 126 yard par 3. Well I'm at the range and there is all these fancy taylor made caloway and ping people around me, and there I am with my Wilsons and my wilson hat because it is white and reflects the sun heat away from my head. Well I did not care because here I am , and there I was. I they don't like it, they can just get the #$%& out of there!!!
Geuss what happened within the next couple of years. A P.G.A. pro named Padraig Harrington (hope i spelled his name right), became the 4th player in the history of golf to win more than one majior in the same season. He did it with Wilson pro staffs and He wore a Wilson hat. Well how about that. He was the only player I ever saw wearing Wilson on the P.G.A.