The bike seems OK, but it needs a larger rear sprocket, it will not just"putter" along. It will pull great on the flat, a hill will kill it if you are just starting out,(pedalling overcomes that) so I am going to try a few other things to improve the performance.
The motor revs well with the clutch pulled in, idles forever, sounds very quiet with the clutch depressed, but makes a "gear noise" when driving, like straight cut gears that aren't meshing properly.
(anyone played with V8 quick change rear ends in hot rods? you'll know what I mean!!) It shouldn't be the gears between the motor and clutch, unless they really don't like the load. I checked them for backlash etc, they appeared to be OK..
This is a test bike to tinker with while I build my Board Tracker/standoff scale from scratch... with a larger motor...and an Early Harley flair.
This is us...temp was about 2C when I did this....last weekend here in BC