How do you do it


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I'm saving up for a lithium battery pack. I was originally going to save for a gasoline scooter until I decided the only advantage it had over my rhino was range. How much range did I really want. Need is much different from want. I need a range of about five to ten miles max. I want about twenty miles. I have begun to teach myself not to run the rhino wide open so that helps.

But this isn't about the bike this is about how you save for something you want. Now most of you guys would probably just write a check or put it on the card, but as you might guess I'm old school. My wife is semi old school. In her mind I have the money in the bank so just write the darn check. Not so me.

I go to the bank and I take a couple of bucks out in twenties every month or so. I use that money to take my wife to dinner once a week. For that I figure I need twenties to pay the check and ones to leave as a tip. We eat in family style restaurants.

So every time I come home, I check my pockets. Any bill I have that is not a twenty or a one, I put in my 'hidey hole'. So far in a couple of months I have saved $150. Now I know this is the same money I would have in my checking account, if I just used it, since I don't buy things or not buy things based on the cash in my pocket. So why do it, you might ask.

Simple, while I am doing things this way, the batteries might be falling in price for one thing. Also technology might just take that next step while I'm saving. For another it's an exercise in delayed gratification, people today rush out and buy things on an impulse. This is a purchase I need to give a lot of thought, before I jump in. Finally I just feel better when something is sorta paid for out of disposable income. If it turns out to be a bad decision, which I do make a lot of, I can move on from it easier. It's hard not to be upset every time I make a payment on a financed bad decision. At my age I don't need any additional regrets. So how do you save for something you don't need but just want.
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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Deacon- I have not had a credit card or bought anything I didn't pay cash for for over 20 years.

I have a my "stash" I call my "funny money". Whenever Mrs. Joe wants/needs a little cash, I just put the equal amount in my funny money stash.

I have a little pile of cash now, and she has a lot of "lady stuff".

I hear you on the last part too.....I fell for the advertising hype and bought a small electric model airplane (R/C) that was supposed to be the next big thing, and it is actually a terrible flying P.O.S. But it was money I had, now don't have, and so I forget it. I have spent waaaay too much good money on "bad stuff" in my younger years, so a few dollars lost on experimentation now is nothing.
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Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
My little motor bike business IS my disposable income!
The business pays for itself, it pays for my MB habit, & it gives me extra spending cash!
My regular job pays my bills & my ex... ;)

Also... Craigslist is the greatest thing!! Just list all of your old junk on there, SOMEONE WILL BUY IT!!!


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
You know VB that is a good idea. I might just build a rhino motor drive and put it on CL. I never thought about it before but someone might have an interest in it. I have two extra motors now. Then again I'm a hoarder.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
CL is the best way to go!! (It works best if you include pics with your ads!)

My brother gave me some old Chevy bumpers that he was gonna throw away; I sold 'em on CL for $90 yesterday!!! (^)

freewheeling frank

New Member
Mar 10, 2009
ridgway colorado
deacon i save the same way as you, i have an off season in the spring after ski season ends and i like a road trip so everyday when i get home i put all my change plus a buck if i have it in my jars, and ya i could just leave it in the bank but then if i saw a shiny new toy i would spend it, usually by april road trip time i will have 6 to 7 hundred bucks in the jars and ya i sometimes will throw a 5 or 10 in there but it works for me, good luck, frank


Dec 1, 2008
i do the same as venice. I dont make much money on building bikes but i can use the money to but more toys for my bike or another. BTW does anyone know what the threads are on most bike wheels, If anyone knows of an english threaded axle just let me know what size it is. My next project is a bike train/tandem mod. Youl see.

Michigan Mike

New Member
Dec 9, 2008
Don't forget about "yard sales". A good yard sale can be like getting money from home without writing for it. Besides, you can always get your stuff back when your neighbors have a yard sale!
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Just like a pawnshop lol

I had a girlfriend once who ran an antique store. She swore to me that the only people who bought antiques were other dealers who then sold them back to you when you have forgotten that you had them once.


Jan 20, 2008
Can you pre-sell your body to science ? Buy now and pay when you can't care .

I figured out that I am buying the stuff now that I didn't have when I was 13 (toys) . I am fortunate and can let the past 35 years of work , work for me instead of me actually working . ...... D.J.

My latest toy . 63" Wingspan .


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
glendale california
yeah, like Venice I sold my first bike (a cruiser i found in the trash) and have financed this whole hobby from that. My real job cash goes for bills and selling bike money goes right into new projects.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
My latest toy . 63" Wingspan .

That there is a hobby that will drain your wallet faster than, well, it's drain you quick if your not careful.

I have an electric Heli, an electric Sukhoi, an electric sailplane with a brushless motor and a whole lotta other "stuff' from "that hobby". It's more expensive than "this hobby".

Not as expensive as most women, and car/motorcycle hobbies however.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I find this hobby manageable... I found building vintage style cameras also manageable, but cars and women are not. At least not for me.

I worked with a man once who said to me over coffee. "You know Charlie, I would be rich today were it not for fast women and slow horses." I kind of took that as my motto ... Fast women and slow horses will be the death of you son, I say to anyone who will listen, and not many do. So maybe now it should be fast woman and motor bikes.