70cc Old Dog Won't Start


New Member
I Was Out Of Town For A Month When I Got Home Tried To Start The Old Dog 70cc. It Would Start And Then Dies Like It Is Not Getting Gas There's Gas In The Bell And A Little On The Plug It Just Will Idle For 2 Seconds And Then Dies Can Anyone Help.. Thanks Zoomcat
Sounds like the jet or inlet or tank exit (in-tank screen) or something in the fuel system is gummed/clogged up....if it was running before.

Take the fuel stuff off, clean it up. Pretty easy (even if it doesn't help!);)

I don't use an intank screen, just a big inline filter.
No Problem, The gas we get now is junk. The carb jets are clogged. Take the bowl off of the carb. Get some Carb Choke Cleaner. Wal-Mart. 1.00 or so.
Spray the jets with the plastic hose provided with the can. Make sure they are clean. Wear eye protection, and DON'T smoke! Do it outside. Put new gas in the tank As soon as you can. Clean the air filter while your there. If it wont
run do it again. Those jets will not work in they are clogged.(c)
Everytime mine pulls this garbage on my bikes it's almost always a spark issue. The CDI units keep failing for me for some reason when I leave them not running for a while. This explains why you have fuel in the cylinder and on spark plug but it's not running. The spark is weak.
thanks. nitro it runs for about 3 seconds then dies. i think your right. where can i buy the cdi unit .thanks zoomcat