leaking gasoline


New Member
so pretty much whenever i'm done riding there is gas leaked from the gas tank cap all over the tank. it seems that this isn't normal. i suppose a new gasket huh? spose i should run to the auto parts store, yeah?
Gary, You do not stick your head in a lion's mouth, or a gators,or a...
Na, For real Gasoilne is one of the most dangerous things that we come in contact with. Most likely cause is a glogged vent either in the tank or cap.
One of the most leathal things about gas is NOT the liquid it's self but the FUMES. That's the part that goes boom. A full tank of gas is much safer than a partial one. I don't know how old U are or anything else about you but DON"T PUT FIXING THIS OFF!!! Don't ride the bike till you do. If the vent is clogged pressure is building in the tank!!! Your riding a bomb! Movement is building pressure, one spark could KILL you. Please don't ride it till it's repaired.(c)
If you drill a very small hole in the cap, near the edge, on top (chrome side) this will help or stop fuel leaking through/passed the gasket.

A new gasket sure won't hurt, get one that is slightly thicker if you can, but not oo tight.
well, i went to the auto store, got an 'o' ring and put it under the already existing gasket under the cap. it seems to have fixed the leaking all together. seemingly. does it sound like i fixed it?
yeah, seems to have, i've been riding it around and there doesn't appear to be any leaking anymore. so i've solved it then, yeah?
I had the same problem. I went out and got some rubber gasket material at the hardware store (used to make pump gaskets), cut it the same as the original gasket, and put it over the original gasket and it helps. I also drilles a very small hole in the top. The gas caps are junk. Keep your tank less than 1/2 full and you should be OK...
well, i went to the auto store, got an 'o' ring and put it under the already existing gasket under the cap. it seems to have fixed the leaking all together. seemingly. does it sound like i fixed it?

That sounds like a great fix. All the caps in the last 6-8 months are leakers - and when you study the cap and the seal it will become evident why an o-ring will work.

Did you record what size you bought?

I'm sick and tired of having a gas soaked crotch. I'm gonna have a cigar after this ride.
lol, no i didn't record the size, but i can find out and post it for you. it's just big enough to fit around the inner cylinder under the cap. then i put the original gasket back over it. i haven't had any leaking at all even with a full tank. (i wonder though, should i drill that hole in the cap?)
Wow - thanks. Lemme know the size if you can. I suppose I could go to some parts places with cap in hand.
If your cap is venting and you are not having fuel starvation problems, then there is no need to drill.