Electric Trike with 130 Mile Range !?!

Here are some spec's on this e-bike system sent to me by the owner:

"At home, I keep the trike plugged in / charged up... The Honda Generator runs while I run the trike... at first, most of the power comes from the batteries, so the gen is basically idiling... sometimes with the wind blowing past your ears, it's hard to even tell it's running.... trike goes 16 mph... As time goes on, the batteries start to drain and the charger starts kicking up more recharge juice... the idle goes up.... The Honda gen holds a tad more than half a gallon... It will run about 65 miles & then it's out of gas, but there is still enough juice in the batteries to keep going and get another half gallon of gas somewhere...

Unfortunately, they don't make the trike anymore... I paid $2500 for it, $700 for Honda, $300 for Dual Pro Marine 24v charger and my best friend and I spend 2 says mounting everything... used all existing holes, enlarged a few and only added 2 to get it all working... have about 2500 miles on it, though I did have something break last week, so I need to fix... It has suspension on all wheels, disc brakes up front, etc... Problem is trike was made in Taiwan and no longer made.. my next one, I'm looking at a Worksman from NY... Part of the challenge is batteries too... I need a big enough batter to handle 15 amp recharge... I could actually run a 36v charger with that Honda, so I may go to 36v hub motor on a Worksman Trike..."

"2, 22NF 12 Volt 55AH Batteries... Still running original batteries after a year and a half... Batteries discharge quicker (since not holding a charge as much) but gen / charger don't mind... when it runs out of gas, I can still go a few miles to the nearest gas station and fill up for under $2 :)

These batteries are big and heavy, but they also allow for 15amp recharge... I would go with the same size... the engineers of the charger said that at max draw, the 24v 15amp charger draws 635 watts... the gen is rated @ 900, 1000 max, so I could run another battery with their 36v charger.... that would be at max load and if batteries were completely dead...

The Worksman are expensive... but built like tanks... I'll miss the full suspension, but the other thing, Worksman has been in business for 100 years... need a part? you got it, not stuck fabricating or throwing away cuz it's no longer made..."

Rather an expensive system but I'm thinking it could be "down sized" or "down graded" into a cheaper version.
how about someone take a regular trike and put generator in rear basket electric motor on rear wheel or front hub and run the motor from the generator,no need for battery except for lights.if you charge batteries for a hour and the batteries run for a hour just skip the batteries all together.
plus you can add a gallon tank or bigger to it to get more miles,but who wants to go that far.

trike = $269
generator= $99
electric motor/hub and stuff=probally have the stuff already
the only way youre not poluting is if youre chargeing the batteries at home,once you start burning gas you just as well just run with a gas engine but if youre doing it to be legal on the road by using electric motors to power the bike,then a generator would be better than just a battery.
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how about someone take a regular trike and put generator in rear basket electric motor on rear wheel or front hub and run the motor from the generator,no need for battery except for lights.if you charge batteries for a hour and the batteries run for a hour just skip the batteries all together.
plus you can add a gallon tank or bigger to it to get more miles,but who wants to go that far.

trike = $269
generator= $99
electric motor/hub and stuff=probally have the stuff already
the only way youre not poluting is if youre chargeing the batteries at home,once you start burning gas you just as well just run with a gas engine but if youre doing it to be legal on the road by using electric motors to power the bike,then a generator would be better than just a battery.

The only reason I would want a E trike would be to carry more batteries to increase the range. Not to use a generator. I agree why use a gasoline generator on an e bike. I guess when the batter runs out just kick in the generator.

Isn't that a hybrid car concept.
a trike would hold more batteries and would hold a generator too.
tho the generator might add more weight but would be worth it if your batteries ran down and you needed to get home.i guess it would be a hybrid.
That is awesome Mike! Reading the end of the vid, very inspirational.

Really want to put a DIY gen on a book rack. Much smaller then discussed in link. Just one of those things I never got around to trying. Like Raphael (sp?) said, "if a blind guy can do it,,,," Not saying it is easy, but doable.

Please let us know how his prodjects are going.
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I restored a 1983 Honda Civic Wagon and converted it to an EV running on all electric battery power. I am a member of an electric car forum and there have been many threads discussing all sides of the issues. I think the agreement is that an off the shelf generator hybrid is a loser.

-its not fuel efficient
-the emissions are horrible
-more maintenance and parts to break
-have to lug around gas, an extra engine, and batteries

Also in regards to operating an electric motor powered by a gas generator; the gen's AC output will not run your DC motor. You could possibly build a full wave bridge rectifier or use a battery charger to help boost a battery pack when it is low.

As a better solution to the range problem I would recommend adding a second battery pack wired in parallel, doubles the distance while keeping the voltage the same.
I restored a 1983 Honda Civic Wagon and converted it to an EV running on all electric battery power. I am a member of an electric car forum and there have been many threads discussing all sides of the issues. I think the agreement is that an off the shelf generator hybrid is a loser.

-its not fuel efficient
-the emissions are horrible
-more maintenance and parts to break
-have to lug around gas, an extra engine, and batteries

Also in regards to operating an electric motor powered by a gas generator; the gen's AC output will not run your DC motor. You could possibly build a full wave bridge rectifier or use a battery charger to help boost a battery pack when it is low.

As a better solution to the range problem I would recommend adding a second battery pack wired in parallel, doubles the distance while keeping the voltage the same.

Rafael, the owner of the ebike being discussed here, isn't a member of this forum but he sent me a reply to the above post by email. He said it would be OK to share it on the forum so I'll post the crux of it below:
"-its not fuel efficient
True... but compared to what? Battery range alone, with 2 batteries I get about 8 miles... I can ride that trike with Gen for 65+ miles on half a gallon of gas...
-the emissions are horrible
Ok, again, compared to what... Its a 4 stroke 49cc engine...
Any other engine, motorcycle or car has worse emissions...
-more maintenance and parts to break
Yes, everything breaks...
-have to lug around gas, an extra engine, and batteries
By not doing this, I have a trike that goes 8 miles... range sucks...

Also in regards to operating an electric motor powered by a gas generator; the gen's AC output will not run your DC motor. You could possibly build a full wave bridge rectifier or use a battery charger to help boost a battery pack when it is low.

Correct, and no one makes a 24v generator... but it could be devised...

As a better solution to the range problem I would recommend adding a second battery pack wired in parallel, doubles the distance while keeping the voltage the same.

Ok, 2nd battery pack weighing 80 lbs would double my range from 8 miles electric to 16... a far cry from 65+ (on half a gallon of gas in Gen)... + much less weight with gen / charger...

Again, I'm blind and can't get a license... I want something with more range than 8 or 16 miles... I'm not an engineer... Anyone have a long range vehicle like that, build a good one, give me a better solution, I'll buy it..."


While I think Evmatt may have some good points about hybrids in general, I have to say I think Rafael's points are valid and on-the-mark for his particular ebike set up. Looks like he's found a good solution to his transportation problem. Thanks guys ... appreciate hearing from both of you.

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Cool Mike, was gonna PM ya and see how your buddy was doing. That gen has a DC outlet, no? I dunno. Gonna write him and say hello. You find some great stuff Mike. Think I sent the Lion thing to all my friends, both of them.

God Bless.
Cool Mike, was gonna PM ya and see how your buddy was doing. That gen has a DC outlet, no? I dunno. Gonna write him and say hello. You find some great stuff Mike. Think I sent the Lion thing to all my friends, both of them.

God Bless.

Always good to hear from Dan. Hope work is going well on your combination houseboat/motorbike/airplane!

God bless...... MM

Just got an email from your buddy. Nice guy and man, that car is amazing.

Made some great and lucky progress today Mike! Was such a good day. All sorts of first steps fell into place with right time/right place. Pure dumb luck, lol

CT rally is Sat, ride on over!
Just got an email from your buddy. Nice guy and man, that car is amazing.

Made some great and lucky progress today Mike! Was such a good day. All sorts of first steps fell into place with right time/right place. Pure dumb luck, lol

CT rally is Sat, ride on over!

Glad to hear you're in the right place at the right time ... keep on keepin' on! Thanks for the invite to the CT rally. Sounds like much fun but a bit too far for Ol' Bikeless Mike.
Have fun!

Bikeless!? what happened, need parts or any thing? (pm me if you do)

You would have enjoyed the CT thing. Carol cooked (just cook-out burgers and dogs) but emmmm. We forgot to bring a burger flipping device so we used Ozzy's chain tensioner and vise grips. (nope, not kidding and there are pics, snork) Was a great time. I found out you can walk start (read "flintstone") a chinagirl. Was a great day. Gonna do it again next yr. Hope you can make it!

Really, why with out a bike?
Rafael, the owner of the ebike being discussed here, isn't a member of this forum but he sent me a reply to the above post by email. He said it would be OK to share it on the forum so I'll post the crux of it below:
"-its not fuel efficient
True... but compared to what? Battery range alone, with 2 batteries I get about 8 miles... I can ride that trike with Gen for 65+ miles on half a gallon of gas...
-the emissions are horrible
Ok, again, compared to what... Its a 4 stroke 49cc engine...
Any other engine, motorcycle or car has worse emissions...
-more maintenance and parts to break
Yes, everything breaks...
-have to lug around gas, an extra engine, and batteries
By not doing this, I have a trike that goes 8 miles... range sucks...

Also in regards to operating an electric motor powered by a gas generator; the gen's AC output will not run your DC motor. You could possibly build a full wave bridge rectifier or use a battery charger to help boost a battery pack when it is low.

Correct, and no one makes a 24v generator... but it could be devised...

As a better solution to the range problem I would recommend adding a second battery pack wired in parallel, doubles the distance while keeping the voltage the same.

Ok, 2nd battery pack weighing 80 lbs would double my range from 8 miles electric to 16... a far cry from 65+ (on half a gallon of gas in Gen)... + much less weight with gen / charger...

Again, I'm blind and can't get a license... I want something with more range than 8 or 16 miles... I'm not an engineer... Anyone have a long range vehicle like that, build a good one, give me a better solution, I'll buy it..."


While I think Evmatt may have some good points about hybrids in general, I have to say I think Rafael's points are valid and on-the-mark for his particular ebike set up. Looks like he's found a good solution to his transportation problem. Thanks guys ... appreciate hearing from both of you.


Thanks for the post. I may have been over complicating things by comparing a super light weight trike to a 3000lb car.
Glad the trike is working well for him. That is a very cool rig and good idea he has going there..rd.
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I wern't kidding!

(Ozzy cookware)
Bikeless!? what happened, need parts or any thing? (pm me if you do)

You would have enjoyed the CT thing. Carol cooked (just cook-out burgers and dogs) but emmmm. We forgot to bring a burger flipping device so we used Ozzy's chain tensioner and vise grips. (nope, not kidding and there are pics, snork) Was a great time. I found out you can walk start (read "flintstone") a chinagirl. Was a great day. Gonna do it again next yr. Hope you can make it!

Really, why with out a bike?

Actually have never had a MB yet and sold my motorcycle some time ago. Had hoped to build an MB trike by now to putz around the neighborhood on but time and money seem to keep slipping away. But plans are still simmering on the back burner ... right beside my houseboat plans. lol

Glad a good time was had by all at the CT rally. You should patent that burger flipper!

I just found this thread again and realize I had missed out on some great discussion here already.

In any case I have begun work on a 2 wheeled version of the trike in the video.

I am documenting the project at Tribridbike.com
Im not sure how the circuity would work but I can charge my battery pack with a 12 volt charger and I do since I don't have a working 24volt charger. After blowing two of them I went to two 12 volt battery chargers from wallymart.

You just hook one to each battery of the pack and they charge away. I never tried it while running, but I assume that you could take the outlet of the generator and plug in a shortened extension cord, thus tripling the outputs. You could run two charging circuits from the one generator. Wire one circuit to each battery and still maintain your 24v master circuit I would think. I have not tried it so I don't know that for sure.

It's funny that this thread comes back at this particular moment. Last night I added a basket to the top of my battery trailer. I did it to carry things from the hardware store. I could very easily add a small generator there.

Does anybody know the weight of a small generator. If the generator puts out ac only you would need a battery charger to convert it I suppose. Seems like a lot of gear but certainly doable.
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Clotho, that sounds really cool. Is a "Tribred" ICE, Electric and peddle powered?

Does anybody know the weight of a small generator. If the generator puts out ac only you would need a battery charger to convert it I suppose. Seems like a lot of gear but certainly doable.

At store, I always pick them up just to see. Kinda heavy. Guessing, I would say a small one is 35 LBS, but dunno fo-shore. Some one will. Have you seen these? Building your own generator.

Would be cool and could be made from spare parts
You do know that a scooter motor when turned by a gasoline engine would put out 24 volts and probably more amps than you would want full power. You would probably want some kind of governor device. A ww engine with a sprocket mounted on the clutch bell, would do an adequate job turning the motor. Walla instant 24volt generator for a hundred bucks... well maybe.