Rafael, the owner of the ebike being discussed here, isn't a member of this forum but he sent me a reply to the above post by email. He said it would be OK to share it on the forum so I'll post the crux of it below:
"-its not fuel efficient
True... but compared to what? Battery range alone, with 2 batteries I get about 8 miles... I can ride that trike with Gen for 65+ miles on half a gallon of gas...
-the emissions are horrible
Ok, again, compared to what... Its a 4 stroke 49cc engine...
Any other engine, motorcycle or car has worse emissions...
-more maintenance and parts to break
Yes, everything breaks...
-have to lug around gas, an extra engine, and batteries
By not doing this, I have a trike that goes 8 miles... range sucks...
Also in regards to operating an electric motor powered by a gas generator; the gen's AC output will not run your DC motor. You could possibly build a full wave bridge rectifier or use a battery charger to help boost a battery pack when it is low.
Correct, and no one makes a 24v generator... but it could be devised...
As a better solution to the range problem I would recommend adding a second battery pack wired in parallel, doubles the distance while keeping the voltage the same.
Ok, 2nd battery pack weighing 80 lbs would double my range from 8 miles electric to 16... a far cry from 65+ (on half a gallon of gas in Gen)... + much less weight with gen / charger...
Again, I'm blind and can't get a license... I want something with more range than 8 or 16 miles... I'm not an engineer... Anyone have a long range vehicle like that, build a good one, give me a better solution, I'll buy it..."
While I think Evmatt may have some good points about hybrids in general, I have to say I think Rafael's points are valid and on-the-mark for his particular ebike set up. Looks like he's found a good solution to his transportation problem. Thanks guys ... appreciate hearing from both of you.
