My apologies if I'm butting in on my first post, but I'd thought I'd sign up and chime something in here that doesn't appear to have been suggested already. We already have an electric motor of the right voltage on board our electrified bikes to turn into a generator: the same one that is pushing you along. At least assuming you're all using "permanent magnet" motors, as most electric scooter/bicycle motors out there are.
Spinning that same motor by other means (gas or pedals) can/will generate electricity to charge up your batteries on the go(depending on how it's hooked up). Rather than adding a second electric motor with a weed whacker engine to turn it to generate electricity for recharging, or dropping in a pre-built 110-volt generator and plug-in battery chargers, you can use a little gas engine that can spin your main electric motor
and push you on the bike at the same time. When the batteries are charged, switch off the gas engine and resume under electric power.
There are a few benefits doing it this way. Less equipment(weight/bulk) to carry, fewer gadgets to malfunction, and the added bonus of having a backup mechanical means to push you home if you're miles away when something goes wrong with your electric setup. And it should be more fuel efficient, because there will be less drive train and electrical losses.
If you run a 110v generator, you're wasting energy(as heat given off by the charger) converting the 110v to 12, 24, 36 or 48 volts(whatever voltage you're running), and chances are your charger isn't going to convert all the amperage the generator makes, so the generator is burning more gas than necessary to make the amps necessary to run the charger.
A home made 24-volt(or whatever voltage) generator made from a small engine and a second motor will still burn more gas(waste energy) than it produces electricity, though it will be a step or two more efficient than a 110-volt generator with battery chargers hooked up to it.
By letting the gas engine both rotate the electric motor
and push you on the bike at the same time, you are putting that extra energy the gas engine is making to use. Now your only real loss is in the efficiency of your drivetrain.
I hope that makes sense.