Extreme Scooters 98cc Whizzer engine

Hello guys, that websites is known amoung us old-timers as a "bait and switch" rip-off joint!

I just looked at the website and see a pic of a WC1 Whizzer, not made since 2004, the description below however, is of a 2-stroke that does NOT exsist! It appears to be the standard description of China-Kit, BUT there are no 98cc engines, and NO 4.5 HP, I HAVE been privy to the Dyno tests of the Nantong Jai Li engine factory.


A couple of years ago they sold a Whizzer customer a kit for 750.00 supposed to be a Whizzer, was a "Chinese Handgrenade" cheap 2-stroke kit!!

Last year one of my customers in Sacramento wanted a Whizzer kit (which are NOT being made), he sent 750.00 and also got a Chinese 2-stroke kit!

There are others who have been ripped by this place, these are just two I actually know about.

As far as I know, there is not, and never were and 98cc chinese engine kits!

I hope this will help others from being ripped off!

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Thanks for the info MotorbikeMike. I don't know all that much about the Wizzers but I thought it was an odd engine size. Do you know if anyone sells just a 138cc Whizzer engine? And where you can get one I would like to build up a custom bike rather than buying one ready made if possible. But I want one with a bigger engine as well
The warning MotorbikeMike has issued is valid.

Do not buy anything from that website!

Thanks again Mike.
having said that, and with the implied "Chinese hand grenade" thing...if it was truly a crappy chinese handgrenade, it wouldn't blow up!!!!

I kind of had a hunch that the site sounded a bit fishy considering the engine size thanks for the help guys. May just have to save my pennies up and buy a vintage bike and restore it. Till then guess I'll stick with the 2 stroke HTs.
Pull the pin and........?

Hi Joe, you can be sure, that if this guy (extreme) will mis-represent everything, in every way, that he would not sell you the best of the Chinese engine kits, and that if it were possible, he would, on purpose, sell you one that would blow up easily! ( a Hand grenade!)

I am very sad that anyone would intentionally screw the public this way! I am especially sensitive to the people who have needs, neither wife nor I have worked since about July (she since the December of 07 for 3 days), and to take advantage of people who need (and deserve) a break is dispicable!

I have appealed to Whizzer (last year in fact) to stop this guy, and they were not willing to sue him to shut down his abuse of the Whizzer product. My customer Mark suffered for this! And he is not alone. I cannot stop this turkey, but at least I can help in warning others about his treachery.

The moment I saw that I knew what everyone has already posted. Maybe some one can order one and just send a piece of paper that says "$850" on it.:D
Running them through ripoff report . com they've gotten some bad press and have actually tried to get their names off it, to no avail.

Yeah, Weedylot, maybe print an official looking check up on a piece of flimsy rubber, sign it, and send it off to 'em! laff
Hey Motorbikemike he lost one sale of many fron this posting I would keep bugging Whizzer about it maybe if we all get together we can shut this idiot down
Time to smell the coffee!
Whizzer USA does not make a 2-stroke motor kit. Although Whizzer has been informed of the mis-leading advertizing, they chose not to fight with the scooter company, not sure why. Whizzer stopped supplying the 138 CC 4 stroke kit over a year ago. They told me it was because an authorized Whizzer dealer was selling a motorbike using their motor and felt it was competition to them selling thier NE5 motorbike. They even told me they were going to use the excuse that they weren't making money on the motor kit. The part of their plan I found to be funny was they sold the last of the remaining kits to the Authorized dealer that caused them to stop supplying the kits in the beginning.

It is sometimes hard to figure out the logic they use in some of thier decisions.

Have fun,
Quenton "Lee" Guenther
EZ Motorbike Company
Get YOUR EZmotorbike TODAY!
The BBB report further mentions that on April 10, 2006, ExtremeScooters signed an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance with the Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs Office and paid restitution payments totaling $11,781.

The BBB report also mentions that the Office of Consumer Affairs alleges that ExtremeScooters who also does business under the name of Extreme-Hobby has used unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of consumer transactions including:
1) Deceptively advertising, promoting, and soliciting business through its websites in violation of O.C.G.A. // 10-1-393(a), (b)(5),(b)(7), (b)(9), (b)(10), and 10-1-393.5.
2) Offered for sale and accepted payment for merchandise of particular brands but instead delivered merchandise of different brands in violation of O.C.G.A. // 10-1-393(a), (b)(5),(b)(7) and 10-1-393.5(b).
3) Represented through its websites that certain merchandise was in stock when in fact it was not, in violation of // 10-1-393(a), (b)(5) and 10-1-393.5(b).
4) Accepted payment for merchandise but failed to deliver this merchandise or provide refunds, in violation of O.C.G.A. // 10-1-393(a), (b)(9), and 10-1-393.5(b).
[The Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) is the compendium of all laws in the U.S. state of Georgia.]
It's amazing that Whizzer has not pushed for a cease and decist order...It's cheap, ($300.00), and would shut them down immediately pending a court appearance which they would surely no-show having no grounds for an argument to the cease and decist order.

$300? That is cheap....I would never do it for that....and I believe in the cause!

I didn't realize it was that much trouble.

I'm living in the past on this one anyway...the last one I was involved in was in 1999. I was designing fitness equipment for a company in Ft.Lauderdale. We had a competitor knock-off one of our machines. The owner had the lawyer that was on retainer file a cease and decist order. I met with him and gave him all of my dated drawings. From the meeting I got the impression it wasn't that much work.

It's not that much work...but $300 doesn't buy that much work. Maybe an hour and a half.

I can write a nice threatening letter for less... and that is where I would start.
I emailed them for fun after reading this post to see what kind of reply I would get. I told them I was interested in the large 2 stroke they had to offer & that I wanted one that was high quality & not like the other cheap 2 strokes that I have seen on E-bay. They just replied today, they sent me a pic of one of the really, really cheap 2 strokes & gave me a price of ONLY $499.00. Wow, they are scam artists! There is nothing wrong with mark up as thats what makes the world go round, but lieing & saying it's something that it isn't is another. I was never interested in buying from them, I just wanted to see what there reply would be. I just wanted to check them out & see how bad this co. really is & the bottom line is, They are thieves & liars. BEWARE OF EXTREME SCOOTERS!!! It may sound good, but as every one else has said in this post, STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!!