Amped Up Warrior


I have just finished an electric trike powered by a Currie 450W unit. I just sold it and I am going to use the funds to build a new electric trike.


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I bought the plans from AtomicZombie for the Warrior trike. I am going to build the Warrior from the plans with a few modifications. The first one is to lengthen the forks to provide space to mount a battery box because this one is going to have a rear hub motor. Here are some mockup pictures of the stock Warrior and one with a stretched frame. I plan on mounting a battery box on the stretched fork.


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That stretch looks a bit too stretched for comfort. UI thought about doing a gas powered one of those guys. Someone did up this render for me its got a bit more support.

That stretch looks a bit too stretched for comfort. UI thought about doing a gas powered one of those guys. Someone did up this render for me its got a bit more support.


Thanks for the comment. Once I figure out the location of the battery box I may add one more support member similar to yours.
After considering some of the suggestions on the frame strength and battery mounting position, I drew a mockup of the new design with the battery box mounted as low as possible. I was trying to stay away from the chain but I think I will create a channel in the batery box so it can go between the batteries. I am going to be using sealed lead acid batteries that weigh about 25 lbs. I would like to go to a newer type but the expense is too high.


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I have finished the extended fork. I extended it 5 inches. Here is what it looks like with the 26" hub motor wheel. The extension is to add room for a battery compartment.


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do you guys ever put gears in rides like this? like a internal geared hub or something..

i seen a video of a guy on a e-bike with a N-360. it was the fastest lil e-bike iv ever seen.
do you guys ever put gears in rides like this? like a internal geared hub or something..

i seen a video of a guy on a e-bike with a N-360. it was the fastest lil e-bike iv ever seen.

With the hub drive you can go with direct or planetary Geared drive. The direct dirve goes faster and the geared has more torque but is slower. This one is direct drive and it has a top speed of about 22 mph which feels pretty fast with the low seating.
With the hub drive you can go with direct or planetary Geared drive. The direct dirve goes faster and the geared has more torque but is slower. This one is direct drive and it has a top speed of about 22 mph which feels pretty fast with the low seating.

right on..:) thats not a bad speed. and even the peddle ones look like a blast.
I finished enough on my trike to give it a test ride today. It is nowhere close to being finished but my style is to make it ridable as soon as possible and then take my time finishing it up. I finished the right wheel brake mount so I have brakes. I threw together a direct steering bar from parts on my scrap pile. I used the battery bag that came with my AmpedBikes kit. I am going to build a nice battery box probably out of aluminum. I bought the entire seat from Terratrikes. My thoughts on the seat is that the seat can make or break the looks of a trike. If you have a bad looking seat you are doomed. I also bought the 20mm hub wheels from Terratrike. They were $120 for the pair. I paid more than that for just the hubs on my last build. The initial test run was smooth. Lots of power from the motor, the front end steering was very nice. It goes straight with no side pull or shimmy and very little brake steering effect. Here are some pictures.


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Very nice gstrope! All of it actually lol, though I gotta agree w/yer thoughts about the seat thing - not only is it the most prominent feature, it is after all what you depend on the most for comfort heh, a lame seat makes for a lame ride - even in a Ferrari I figure ;)

Not to say brakes are unimportant ofc, but nobody seems to notice them till they need 'em :p What brand/type disks/calipers didja end up using?
Very nice gstrope! All of it actually lol, though I gotta agree w/yer thoughts about the seat thing - not only is it the most prominent feature, it is after all what you depend on the most for comfort heh, a lame seat makes for a lame ride - even in a Ferrari I figure ;)

Not to say brakes are unimportant ofc, but nobody seems to notice them till they need 'em :p What brand/type disks/calipers didja end up using?

Thanks for the interest in my trike BarelyAWake, I can always count on you to trade ideas back and forth. OK about the brakes, remember the previous trike I built from the mongoose electric dirt bike. Well I sold that one and I bought another mongoose electric to modify. Well I noticed they have a really nice disk brake on the front wheel so that is what I used on this trike. How is that for recycling? It is an Artek brake. I looked it up online and it seems to show up on UK sites mainly. It seems to be a good working brake so i am happy.
Well, TBH I'm psyched ya decided to run with the Zombie Warrior plans, I really wanted to build one meself lol, but my madness simply wouldn't fit within their elegantly conservative design ;)

Your adaptation of chainmaker's suggestion and the utilization of the Currie hub as well as "recycling" (gaw, it's so hard to refrain from the obvious joke lol) the bits from the Mongoose(es? Mongeese?) is resulting in a clean, effective and even ascetically attractive build - who'd not be interested? I'm sure it's an inspiration for anyone considering an electric taddy :D

I'm diggin' the Artek brakes, not jus' for the recycle factor - but they seem quite stout with a larger braking surface than typical bicycle brakes, like my Avids... do you have any pics of the calipers themselves?
Hey BarelyAWake
Here are a few pictures of the calipers. Don't say anything about my welding, all I have is a wire feed flux coated welder and i haven't cleaned these welds up to the final state yet. One of pictures shows the caliper on the mongoose fork.

Another thing you may notice is I am using 3/4 inch bolts for axles. These are only slight smaller than 20mm. I brought them up to size by carefully wrapping 2 layers of duct tape around the axle. We will have to wait and see if this method holds up.


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My build is progressing, my first picture shows the under seat steering and the complex chain routing to clear the battery box. I really like the feel of the under seat steering on the road. I have done the direct steering before and this is much better.

The next picture shows the electric motor controller mounting. I am keeping all of the wiring on the left side to leave room for the chain on the right side.


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My chain management system is up and running. It is starting to get real crowded under the set with the steering and chain all living together under there. I chose a long arm derailler so it would line up with the chain coming back under the battery


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The electric Warrior is all done. It is very comfortable, fast and it can take a corner at 15 to 18 mph. The speed with just the motor on flat ground is 22mph. I have hit 30 going downhill. Here are some pictures


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Nice gstrope, very nice! I see you've opted for no front derailleur... I've thought about that myself but can't decide - is it geared high enough that you can help it at speed?

BTW - I think I'm gonna steal... erm *cough* "be inspired by" yer chain routing/idler method, it's very close to what I needs :D

All in all it's a wicked clean build, looks comfy as heck too FTW (^)