Villiers Boardtrack Racer

Cam Nz

New Member
Hi everyone,

This is my villiers boardtrack racer build,

I started this project quite a long time ago, but recently made big steps towards finishing it.

The motor is a Mk1 98cc villiers, off of a atco self propelled reel/cylinder mower

To make it usable i machined the crank PTO down with the lathe, and dimpled/grubscrewed it, the plan was to use one motor but i have decided to go for two motors now, so the pulley shown in the pictures will be replaced with a small 12mm wide oil pump belt off a car.

Anyway, heres some pictures





Looking good Cam..... Very original design... i like a lot!!!!

Im a little confused, did you say you would use 2 motors on this bike? One linked to the other?
You did a wonderful job on that engine... a thing of beauty. That Villiars midget with the slant head is great thing to look at... just has a nice shape to it. As you know from the other thread of Harry76, I am building a Villiars Indian tri-car this summer... same engine as yours in a Worksman frame. I'm curious how you will incorporate two engines? I guess if I'm patient, I'll find out... ha!
Thanks guys, really appreciate it

Yes i will be using two engines, one right behind the first one, linked with a little toothed oil pump belt, and the engine has to scoot forward maybe 20-25 mm along with relocating the footpegs behind the motors,

Ooo a tri-car, now that will be cool!

Im interested to see how well these engines go, guess i will have to wait and see.

Cheers, Cam.
Fantastic .. You may have found your nitch to sell motors of this kind I'm sure if you could make these available there are people who would snatch them up quickly... Beautiful work thanks for the great documentation...
Wow 2 engines will definitely be cool .....and different. It would make it like a salt flat racer, dont some of them use multiple engines inline?
Has anyone on here done a bike with 2 engines?????
Yes i think so harry, i got the other engine today - bit worse for wear but no major damage, its sitting full of diesel overnight, de - seizing, and hopefully it will free up tomorrow, so i can start restoring it, and then i can move forward with this project!

Cheers, Cam.
I think two engines on a bike is something new, alright. At least it is new to me. Now we're talking some serious horsepower, Cam. No longer the tortoise, but now the hare. Ha!
Sounds good Cam. Hope it starts for you ok.

I pick up another Villiers/Atco cylinder mower thursday. I won it on EBay a few weeks ago. I didnt think i was still getiing it as i hadnt heard from him. But i heard from him today so i am pleased.

Cant wait to see how you join the engines together. Do you know exactly hopw to do it or are you going tl work it as you go?
We will have to wait and see if it will un-seize, yes i do have a plan to make them work together, ill draw up somethng tonight, work now

I sure hope it goes like a hare!
Neat working with those classic shaped engines. I want to know what is it that is seized? Hopefully not everything I guess. I have a few times remove stuck valves on old Briggs Cast Iron engines by having a funnel filled with liquid wrench cupped atop the valve head. It dripped through down to where the oil breather opening at the bottom of the stem. Over night it would all empty into a tray that the engine sat in. A week later I could try to carefully pry up on the bottom on the valve stem. When the top of the valve head was high enough I could get a vise grip on it and twist an pull up without scratching the valve seat I would do that. Maybe 3 days later I'd toss the valve and lapp in a new one. I have come across times when cutting the valve seat was necessary as the angle on the seat was changed too much by wear or lapping.

Tell me how you get a stuck piston out, I'd be interested. Also if not spare parts are available, can the piston come out and just rings you probably can get?
At the moment nothing, but yesterday, everything haha

I managed to free up everything but the piston, which is cast steel, in a cast iron bore, with spring steel rings, main word here, steel and it had all rusted shut, i degreased and cleaned the crankcase and barrell, then filled the intake/transfer port with diesel, plugged that, filled the combustion chamber with diesel then put the sparkplug back in, sat it upside down, with diesel in the bottom of the piston/barrel, also in the exhaust port, left it overnight, and at lunchtime i took it out degreased and waterblasted it, then clamped it in the vice,
grabbed a 10mm galvanised bolt and put it down the sparkplug hole and hit the top of the piston ( not too hard! ) and with heat, it slowly rammed out , both rings were not siezed! sandblasted it, came up like brand new, bore is pretty smooth as well.

Thats usually how i get pistons free, soak in diesel - works a treat, also if you can get a socket or creasent on the pto and put a bit of weight on that while hitting the piston it helps immensley.

Unfortunatly i left the camera at work - bugger!, so pics tomoro i guess.

It will run - im sure of it now!

Cheers, Cam.