Now you are talking third world bikes by joe...
I have a couple of prelim questions. My first purchase might just be a brand new (heavern forbid) bike. I hear the gasps already.
Okay I always thought bikes with gears were for wimps, but alas that might be the way to go with this build. So I'm going to pick your brains for ideas,
Now on a 99speed bike, they have two sprockets on the crank. Do they both turn at the same time. I ask that because a brushed electric motor will charge the batteries when it is moving faster than being called for. Ie not in use at the time.
If they do I might pick up one and try to run the electic engine to the smaller of them. Then pedal with the big one and the few gears that are left to me. If that works I could conserve a lot of battery by leaving the engine off most of the time. I see these old farts er guys going down my street all the time on those bikes. So it wouldn't be a problem to coast with the engine off or even go on the flats. Plus I could take the thing on the bike trails nobody would know.
Second question. How hard would it be to remove the smaller one and put on a different crank. I have a #25 large sprocket and chain plus that is what comes on the motors I have. Now that would be the cats meow if I could switch those out.
If not i can get a flat bike sprocket and weld it to the sprocket on the engine. The bike sprocket is larger so it won't be a problem. Well it will be a balance problem but nothing more.
Unlike a gasoline engine the electric freewheels no problem. Just shut it down and it becomes a little drag but nothing else. And my motors even charges the battery,
So answer up guys and help the fatboy with his ebuild...