1 continue to make loops and pull them tight but not super tight because you will alter the point at which the spokes cross each other, we dont want that. once you have about 4 loops, cross the wire downwards (or upwards if you started tying down). the picture here is very blurry but its the best one I took.
2 once you cross push the wire under and continue to make loops until you only have about 8 inches left, these you can pull VERY tight (the tighter the better). then place the wire across again. it will look like this
3 push the wire under again and it will look like so
4 continue to make loops until you have about 1 inch left. again the tighter the better on these, and make sure they are next to each other with no gaps.
just for kicks so that you can see the difference between a wheel spoke tied for normal use. this was using copper wire then soldered....a lot smaller he?
finally some one wanted to see the picture of the bike "with small tires". well I dont have any other than the first one I took after I built it, and at this time I did not have the dropdown handlebars because I had not figured out how to mount the throttle yet. All I wanted to do at this time was get it installed and start riding it.....sorry.
I tied the spokes on my 700c wheel when I put a GEBE system on my bike because I was afraid it would break some spokes. I used small nylon ties and it did stiffen up the wheel. Also did not have any problem with broken spokes. Letting those crossed spokes support each other seems to do the job. Cheap fast and effective.
Yea, you ride it with a whip and spiked patten leather boots too? Ohh the pain,
Unless you have taken half the spokes out, don't fret yourself about it. The spokes are really strong. They are stronger than a "mag" wheel. Keep them tight tho. Once a month is a good time to check them, unless you have had a unusual ride.
some people just dont want to do the work. No one has tried it yet they say how zip ties work much better. zip ties are a joke all they do is hold the spokes in place.
I also used wire ties on my spokes, running a 50t sprocket I was worried about the torque, as most of the time I dont peddle to start off. Close to 1000 miles on a Wallyworld bike and no problems.....
some people just dont want to do the work. No one has tried it yet they say how zip ties work much better. zip ties are a joke all they do is hold the spokes in place.
That's a lot of extra work for the same effect....you only need so much "extra strength".
Zip ties are not a joke at all and work very well....holding the spokes in place just as well as your uber retentive wire job does.
It is a good tutorial if you have all day to do something like that.
I also like the added efficiency of being able to cut the zip ties off in 1 second rather than make a nest of a mess removing all that expensive wire/time if you need to.
I liked the look of the wire ties looked like a clean job. I'am confused about the zip ties pic of zip set up please. Although I never had a prob with my spokes just tighten em up