wheel hub 2 stroke?


New Member
First off, I just wanted to say that this place is turning into a great site! I love the DIY section on homemade bikes and I'm glad you have an ebike section as well. Some great ideas there!
Anyhow, seeing as Spooky Tooth is a sponsor, I was wondering what ever happened to that two stroke they were going to start selling last year?. The one that is a front wheel with the "hub" being the motor, anyone know?
I always seem to get hung up in outer space when I visit that site and give up trying to look around. Not sure why but other than the home page, I can't "look around" although I'm pretty sure that they never did end up selling the kit. Anyone know about that kit?
I think you're talking about that revopower thing or whatever. As far as I know it has yet to go to the market.
I've never heard of a "new" front mounted 2-stroke from Spooky???

He was working on a Center frame & Rack mount Subaru and had to re-design the gearbox last I heard.
Yes! Thank You, that was what I was looking for. Seems like a great 'thing".
it was advertised on spooky last year but I guess things are not working out as they had hoped.
Anyhow...thanks for the help.

"edit"- I just had a look at the video on that site, it looks great but it seems that they are still not selling it-so sad.
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The revopower wheel is a scam and a sham, not affiliated with SpookyTooth Cycles. They take investors monies and haven't come up with a product for over two years....
I know where you're coming from Joe, there has to be more to it. I also remember asking myself why they never showed the wheel working close up, you would think that is the first thing you would do if you were making a vid.
The idea has been around for many years though, have a look. They are not my pics.
The only thing is that on these ones, the motor does not spin and would sit on the outside of your forks while his spins in between the forks. Sounds impossible eh?


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The crankshaft remains fixed and the engine block rotated around it. There were WWI airplane engines that used this design.