Scams on the elderly


My 84 year old Mother in law just got a threating phone call from Tina at Advanced Employment Solutions, LLC. 877-242-0707 We had sent back 8, 60W light bulbs that cost $138.95. They where kind enough to give her 4 60W at no charge. When I called back, Tina said I had to send them prof that we had sent them back. I said no and Tina asked if I thought she was lieing that light bulbs cost so much. I said yes, that we were on the no call list.... She hung up. lol. (told the wife it was gonna be a short call, snork.

Please all, they and others are targeting older folks who are good hearted and pay their "bills" no matter what. Lots of these victims live on very little. If you see, hear or suspect elder fruad, contact some one. Here is the FBI web site; Federal Bureau of Investigation - Fraud Target: Senior Citizens

Found out a few months ago that she was buying garbage bags for $200 a box. But they were really nice garbage bags and ya got 24.
Time to take her checkbook. Wife already has mine and Im not joking. I make lousy decisions these days.
Around here it's the "gypsy pavers". They offer an unbelievable price on sealing your asphalt driveway, after about a day of the stuff not drying you find out they used about 1 gallon of sealer cut with 40 gallons of used motor oil and they've all moved on to the next town.
Thanks for the info Dan.

On a related note ... sometime ago my parents got a call from a local newspaper trying to get them to subscribe. I took the call and told the salesman that my parents would not be interested in buying their paper. At this point he said something like ... "Well, we'll just put you down for your usual subscription then." I almost said OK but realized, since they didn't have a "usual subscription" that this might be a sales scam to get them signed up ... so I said "Please don't put them down for anything".

Another time this same news paper started delivering free copies to every house in the neighborhood. Attached was a note saying the papers would be free for a certain time limit as a promotion campaign. You guessed it ... it wasn't too long before a bill arrived. When I called the number on the original note to complain I didn't get the head office but instead the guy who was delivering the papers. He told me something to the effect that the bill was just to help with gas for his delivery car because the price of gas had gone up since he started delivering the free papers. I believe I mentioned the he should take that up with the newspaper he had the agreement with. Anyway, final outcome ... I didn't pay and the papers stopped coming. But I had to wonder how many people paid the unwarrented gas bill for unsolicited newspapers?

Some of these scams can be pretty slick. We all need to inform our elder friends and family members to NEVER give out personal or financial info over the phone. If they're not sure how to handle a call have them refer the caller to someone else in the family.
Good info.

My Uncle was targeted by a group claiming to be the US census. They had mailed him an 8 page form asking for "census" info in advance of the actual census taking. They said he was a test subject.

Well, they asked for a lot of detailed info. He answered about 5 questions, including one for his phone number, and refused to answer the rest. They began calling him stating that if he didn't answer every question he would be visited by government officials. ****, they even wanted to know how many doors and bathrooms he had in his house.

Fortunately he related this to me and my coworker in time. This is what is called a PHISHING scam. The crooks were trying to steal his identity. They wanted his SS# and much more. Long story short, if you don't know the caller, don't answer the phone. If you even remotely feel uncomfortable, hang up.

Please ask a younger person first about anything you think is suspicious. The world has gotten much creepier in the internet age.
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I believe in the dante version of hello... different levels for different folks.... most Siding salesmen, most used car salesmen, and all of those who scam the old have to be assigned to the bowels.
Wow. A many years ago I worked the phones as a bill collector. I was ashamed of the job, but we had to eat. Scammers, U box em' send them to me. I have a drive way with pot holes that need filling.
Stellar job Dan (c)
Recently we have had solicitors trying every which way to sell "pest control".
They all say the same thing:"It's regularly $200.00 but right now we are having a 1/2 off sale. $100.00 is a great bargan for everything you get".
I think the next one that comes by..... I will tell that solicitors are a pest and I will treat my house against them.

YouTube - How to torment telemarketers with one word
Good info.

My Uncle was targeted by a group claiming to be the US census. They had mailed him an 8 page form asking for "census" info in advance of the actual census taking. They said he was a test subject.

Well, they asked for a lot of detailed info. He answered about 5 questions, including one for his phone number, and refused to answer the rest. They began calling him stating that if he didn't answer every question he would be visited by government officials. ****, they even wanted to know how many doors and bathrooms he had in his house.

Fortunately he related this to me and my coworker in time. This is what is called a PHISHING scam. The crooks were trying to steal his identity. They wanted his SS# and much more. Long story short, if you don't know the caller, don't answer the phone. If you even remotely feel uncomfortable, hang up.

Please ask a younger person first about anything you think is suspicious. The world has gotten much creepier in the internet age.
Here in the US, things like that SENT through hte postal service would qualify as postal fraud. NOT a thign youd want to be charged with
Here's a big scam, on the elderly and the not-so-elderly.

The medical profession.

They get you "in the system" give you a bunch of tests, tell you you're dying, then forget bout you until the outlandish bills aren't paid fast enough, then all of the sudden you are important to them again.

I was told in Feb. that I have a potentially fatal heart condition....then NOTHING! I had to call my doc to find out "how potentially fatal?" The bill collectors have my number, and want to talk to me, but my doctor doesn't.... Hmmmm. I bet it would be different if I had insurance, or a large bunch of assets.

The hospitals don't take motorized bikes (or much of anything else) for barter.
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I've had heart palpitations since I was 18 (I used to smoke caused it then when I was younger) I haven't smoked in over 25 years. I do however have chest pains alot due to oxygen depravation I assume as I pull over and take a few deep breaths for a few minutes and continue peddling. I have pretty high blood pressure as well but the bike exercise I think is helping that I just have to take it easy when I start having the chest pain...I feel it comming on and know to stop now. I pushed myself once very hard thinking I could get a second wind maybe...big mistake I was in a huge amount of pain for well over an hour. My health in general seems to be getting better sure wish I had a job tho...stress is probably the number 1 killer now days life didn't use to be a constant multitasking contest. I'm no doctor but I do watch a lot of documentaries (and I stayed at a holiday inn last night...not LOL)
It is illegal for a doctor to give you this treatment for cancer and is supposed to cure all kinds of deseases: The Gerson Institute - Alternative Cancer Treatment

A lot of this diet envolves using a juicer like Jack Lalane sells. You have to go to Mexico to have a doctor give you this treatment.

The pill pushers can't make a buck off a diet I watched a documentary on this guy's work very cool dude they say he was poisoned due to his breakthru much the same as oil companies try to keep fuel economy down.
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Well I have been so lucky I avoid doctors entirely. Been that way all my life. Eat right exercise and sleep right. No processed food eat like Jack Lalanne. No medicines at all V it cough syrup, allergy, or a headache will not have it. Just don't want what this world has to offer. The brain is a chemical factory not gonna mess that up!

I lost a Grandmother due to a stroke. Doctors are drug pushers not healers any more. If its not natural then it can be patented. The medicine she was on did her in..
since I lost health benifits I no longer take the $90 a month bp meds and I have noticed wounds are healing much faster now might be due to wieght loss but just the same. My blood used to be almost like water much thicker now clots faster. I don't eat a lot of carrots either (they are rich in vitamin k which is what helps make clotting factor in your plasma).
(HELP) (HELP) (HELP) This has to be an scam this email



Funds, you are to contact the ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIME COMMISSION,Phoenix,Arizona to obtain the above required document, find below their contact information's:

Contact Person: Rev. Daniel Parker

Rev Daniel Parker Email: *************
Address: 1224 mabo lane road,phoenix,Arizona

Ensure you contact them EFCC with your Full Name,Address and phone number/cell number via email.

Contact the EFCC via Email with the information above immediately,once you contact them i will get back to you or else i will have an agent come visit you at home for questioning.

Furthermore, be advice that according to the United State Law together with the FBI rules and regulations, you are to obtain the document from the EFCC OF ARIZONA where the fund was transfer from. Also Note that you are to take care of the cost of the Document, which will be issued in your name. due to the content of the document and how important and secured the document is, you as the beneficiary will send to the EFCC OF ARIZONA the sum of Usd300 Dollars only for the issuing of the document right away and your Usd1.5 million will be release to you, That is the lay down rules for ANTI CRIME DEPARTMENT to release such sensitive document, EFCC will issue you the authentic and original copy of the documents with seal on it for verification and approval.

NOTE: We have asked for the above document to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for no criminal justice purposes. The documents will clarify the intensity of this fund; exonerate it from money laundry, scam and terrorism.You are to send and email to Rev.Daniel Parker and ask for the instructions to get the CLEARANCE DOCUMENTS in oder for you to clear your name and receive your funds.

WARNING: failure to provide the above requirement in the next 24 hours, legal action will be taken immediately by arresting and detaining you as soon as international court of justice issues a warrant of arrest, if you are found guilty, you will be jailed....... As terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering is a serious problem in our community today and the world at large. The F.B.I will not stop at any length in tracking down and prosecuting any criminal who indulges in this criminal act. FORWARD THE DOCUMENT TO US VIA EMAIL ATTACHEMENT AS SOON AS YOU OBTAIN IT. No body is above the law and the law is not a respecter of anybody. We presumed you are law abiding citizen whom would not want have scuffles with the authority, in and outside America.

We are charged with the responsibility of implementing legal norms and our authority is irrevocable so don't dare dispute our instruction, just act as instructed.The person you know will not help you in this matter rather abide by this instruction. the funds in question was deposited by those people that contacted you.

Note: You are to contact them (EFCC) with your full names,phone number/cell number and full address via their email which i stated above immediately for the processing of your Clearance Documents within the next 24 hours.

Faithfully Your's
Robert S.Mueller 111
FBI Director

Note contact the EFCC office:*********** via email you have less than 24 hours to contact them and ask them how you are to acquire the CLEARANCE DOCUMENTS.
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What Kind Of *crap ?



Funds, you are to contact the ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIME COMMISSION,Phoenix,Arizona to obtain the above required document, find below their contact information's:

Contact Person: Rev. Daniel Parker

Rev Daniel Parker Email: ***************
Address: 1224 mabo lane road,phoenix,Arizona

Ensure you contact them EFCC with your Full Name,Address and phone number/cell number via email.

Contact the EFCC via Email with the information above immediately,once you contact them i will get back to you or else i will have an agent come visit you at home for questioning.

Furthermore, be advice that according to the United State Law together with the FBI rules and regulations, you are to obtain the document from the EFCC OF ARIZONA where the fund was transfer from. Also Note that you are to take care of the cost of the Document, which will be issued in your name. due to the content of the document and how important and secured the document is, you as the beneficiary will send to the EFCC OF ARIZONA the sum of Usd300 Dollars only for the issuing of the document right away and your Usd1.5 million will be release to you, That is the lay down rules for ANTI CRIME DEPARTMENT to release such sensitive document, EFCC will issue you the authentic and original copy of the documents with seal on it for verification and approval.

NOTE: We have asked for the above document to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for no criminal justice purposes. The documents will clarify the intensity of this fund; exonerate it from money laundry, scam and terrorism.You are to send and email to Rev.Daniel Parker and ask for the instructions to get the CLEARANCE DOCUMENTS in oder for you to clear your name and receive your funds.

WARNING: failure to provide the above requirement in the next 24 hours, legal action will be taken immediately by arresting and detaining you as soon as international court of justice issues a warrant of arrest, if you are found guilty, you will be jailed....... As terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering is a serious problem in our community today and the world at large. The F.B.I will not stop at any length in tracking down and prosecuting any criminal who indulges in this criminal act. FORWARD THE DOCUMENT TO US VIA EMAIL ATTACHEMENT AS SOON AS YOU OBTAIN IT. No body is above the law and the law is not a respecter of anybody. We presumed you are law abiding citizen whom would not want have scuffles with the authority, in and outside America.

We are charged with the responsibility of implementing legal norms and our authority is irrevocable so don't dare dispute our instruction, just act as instructed.The person you know will not help you in this matter rather abide by this instruction. the funds in question was deposited by those people that contacted you.

Note: You are to contact them (EFCC) with your full names,phone number/cell number and full address via their email which i stated above immediately for the processing of your Clearance Documents within the next 24 hours.

Faithfully Your's
Robert S.Mueller 111
FBI Director

Note contact the EFCC office: *********** via email you have less than 24 hours to contact them and ask them how you are to acquire the CLEARANCE DOCUMENTS.

due to the content of the document and how important and secured the document is, you as the beneficiary will send to the EFCC OF ARIZONA the sum of Usd300 Dollars only for the issuing of the document right away and your Usd1.5 million will be release to you, That is the lay down rules for ANTI CRIME DEPARTMENT to release such sensitive document, EFCC will issue you the authentic and original copy of the documents with seal on it for verification and approval.

so im in trouble if i dont collect my 1.5 million ? */* sorry yal . you might want to stop me 2door im going to blow ^%$## due to the content of the document and how important and secured the document is, you as the beneficiary will send to the EFCC OF ARIZONA the sum of Usd300 Dollars only for the issuing of the document right away and your Usd1.5 million will be release to you, That is the lay down rules for ANTI CRIME DEPARTMENT to release such sensitive document, EFCC will issue you the authentic and original copy of the documents with seal on it for verification and approval. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will be here tomaro to let yall know!!! */* >>> it is may - 26 - 2010 11:16 a:m im going to make an copy of this and going down town and show the sheriff !!!!
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A first year law student could blow holes in that one. But the elderly might be terrified! Invite them to my place in Texas. I have some extra lead I don't need :) (c)
Kicking, that is no doubt a scam email. One would think that the FBI would know how to use proper English. It's a new twist on an old favorite, the Nigerian Lottery scam.

I once helped shut down an outfit that emailed me something similar. I forwarded it to the director of the real FBI office here in Phoenix. That's what you should do with this. :D

Yes! Great point AZ and good on you for taking the time. Like you said Kicking, might not get past us but some folks might think it's legitimate.