how to post pictures #2

I have some mb pictures I would like to share but can't find a tutorial on how. I have an HP Photosmart printer I can scan and send on, but what to? Keith (trackfodder) Williams
Re: how to post pictures

I use photobucket to post my your pics to photobucket and copy and past the html code is how I do it.

You could also use the attachment way:

When you are making your post scroll down

In "Additional Options" you will see "Attach Files"

Below that you will see a box that says "Manage Attachments"

Click on "Manage Attachments"

A new window will open up

Then you have two options..."upload file from your computer" and "upload file from URL"

The easiest way is to click on "Browse" from upload file from your computer

Then you will see your pics on your the pic you want to upload...then click "Upload"

If you want to add another pic, click "Browse" again.

You can only add four pics to one post so if you want to add more you will have to submit the post and reply to another to add the rest of your pics.

Also...if your pics are too big it will not upload them, then you will have to have them resized. This is why I like photobucket because you will not have too.

I hope this helps...need anymore info or help just ask.
Re: how to post pictures


If you look at a photo on the internet that interest you, you can right click on it and get a grey menu pop up. At the bottem of that menu is "PROPERTIES". When you left click on the word properties, you'll get a page that pops up which shows the URL (universal resource locator) or address of where that photo is on the internet.

If the yellow icon is left clicked on above, (where it says "Insert Image") a box comes up where you could "paste" that URL. You would have had to highlite it by left clicking and dragging the mouse cursor over the URL and then pressing the "Control" key and the "C" on the keyboard. This copies it to your computer temporarily. By pasting the URL in that insert image box (pressing control "V") and then hitting the "Preview Post" you will probably see the photo displayed.

Now if you uploaded your .jpg photos to Photobucket or ImageShack where you can host them for free then you can do this to post your own pictures here. your photos in a host before presenting them on a message board. (NEVER directly post them from your hard a hacker could gain valuable info about your computer and possibly compromise it) When you "hot link" to your photo hosting site.......anyone right clicking
on your photo will only get the "host" public address of your photo. It's much safer this way.

People often copy a URL from a web site and post it to a message board which is hot linking. Most web masters don't appreicate it as it taxes their monthly allocation of band width they have to pay for.

So, sign up for a free host and learn the simple steps to uploading your photos there. Once they are there then it's just a matter of right clicking, properties, left click, copy the URL from the page that pops up, and then paste it on a post you are writing.

Good luck.
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Re: how to post pictures

I have A D D so I post pictures by clicking "reply" (not quick reply) and then scroll down to "manage attatchments" and then click "browse" and get the picture from my computer.

Simple, and makes a click-able thumbnail that loads real fast.
I added a #2 to the name of this thread because we have two threads with the same tittle :)
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Re: how to post pictures

I use photobucket to post my your pics to photobucket and copy and past the html code is how I do it.

You could also use the attachment way:

When you are making your post scroll down

In "Additional Options" you will see "Attach Files"

Below that you will see a box that says "Manage Attachments"

Click on "Manage Attachments"

A new window will open up

Then you have two options..."upload file from your computer" and "upload file from URL"

The easiest way is to click on "Browse" from upload file from your computer

Then you will see your pics on your the pic you want to upload...then click "Upload"

If you want to add another pic, click "Browse" again.

You can only add four pics to one post so if you want to add more you will have to submit the post and reply to another to add the rest of your pics.

Also...if your pics are too big it will not upload them, then you will have to have them resized. This is why I like photobucket because you will not have too.

I hope this helps...need anymore info or help just ask.

Thanks Fair, I used the photobucket way and can now get pics from the good cam up. Worked great. (^)
yeah, i also took fairracing's advice and went with Photobucket. works well for me. i resize and do whatever manipulations i need with the GIMP, then upload the images from my computer to Photobucket and link to there.