Might as well get a thread started...


New Member
No engine yet (kit should be here in a couple of days) but I figured I'd go ahead and start a discussion on the bike and the build.

The bike is a long thing that I've been tooling around the neighborhood with when the kids go out on their scooters.

77 in wheelbase, 24 in seat height, 26x2.4 on the rear, 24x2.125 up front.

I contemplated putting a Sturmey-Archer 3-speed hub on the rear with a Sturmey sportshift shifter modified into a jockey shift for the thing but decided to go the powered route and get one of the 80cc (I know, they're only 70cc) kits off eBay.

I know that I'll end up modding this thing to make it look the way I want so I figured I'd get started with a build thread. (^)


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i think i see the headlight wire tucking in the frame??? but dont see whats powering it . or is it just for show right now.
OSCAR, the headlight is just there for now. Wasn't sure which way I wanted to go with it so it didn't get wired. I was going to use a Sturmey-Archer dynohub for the front to power the lamp. We'll see.
Dang, I can't find anything on the interweb about Wand King tires. Every time I find a big tire like the 26 x 2.4 they always have some crazy stripe or logo or funky tread or something. I just want a nice black tire like that one. If you or anyone else knows of a source for those wanda king street tires, I will be your best friend. lol
Well, started sizing everything up.

First thing I noticed is that with the engine placed where I want it to go, I'll need an even longer chain on the non-powered side of the bike.

On the powered side I'll also need a longer chain. I looked at how short the chain that came with the kit was and wondered why everyone had to run tensioners.

Then I remembered that not everyone is building something as long as this. rotfl

I can sort out small stuff right now, but I think I'm going to ditch the rear coaster setup in favor of a disc brake conversion.

Will also put a disc setup on the front.
Well, I started on the conversion and decided to stop. I'd love to have a powered bike to ride this weekend but that just isn't going to happen (unless I go get one of those Huffy things from Wal-Mart) so I'm just mocking it up and seeing exactly how much work I've got ahead of me...

To mount the engine where I want (right in front of seat post) I'll have to have a longer right side drive chain with a tensioner/idler to keep the chain off the lower portion of the clutch housing as well as a longer chain for the left side.

Left side chainstay will need to be reworked so the chain will clear.

Some custom engine mounts will need to be cut and welded.

The exhaust will need to be modified.

I'd like to rework the tank

Need a longer clutch cable, longer throttle cable...

No clue which way I want to go with it. Might keep it the way it is, ride it, put the kit on a Cranbrook from Wal-Mart, and get a 2nd kit and build a bike that won't require weeks and weeks of modifying to get it going. Build it to be motorized from the start.

That Cranbrook is looking mighty tempting right now. rotfl I know it would be a much quicker conversion than this chopper.
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Ordered a rear freewheel, disc brake kit, and dual brake lever from ChoppersUS.

No reason to install the conversion on the coaster setup so that'll get tossed in the parts pile.

When the new freewheel shows up I'll get the sprocket mounted and start working on engine mounts. No sense in making them twice.
Got some parts today.

The rear wheel and caliper showed up as did the dual brake lever...which is a left brake lever. Arrrrggh! :(

Went to the bike shop and picked up a 20 tooth rear freewheel, a teflon brake cable for a tandem bike, 12 feet of cable housing, and some ends for the cables and housing.

Also swung by Lowe's and bought a piece of 3/16 in steel to make the caliper bracket.

Got to work tonight polishing the cast caliper housing and mounted the disc and 20 tooth freewheel. As soon as I'm done with this post I'll go polish the other half of the caliper housing. Will have to get inside the crevices with the Dremel tomorrow then clean the housing and wax the thing.

Progress pics (^)


Here's the completed unit.

Still need to get the nooks with the Dremel. That'll happen some time tomorrow.

Also plan on changing the hardware to stainless.


I got the rear caliper set for $40. Link

The only way to find them on the Choppers US site is to click on brakes then calipers. You should then see complete front and rear sets.
Made more progress.

Swapped the tire, tube, and wheel liner onto the new rim and got everything mounted.

I have a 20 tooth freewheel sprocket now...the old one was 18 tooth.

According to calculations I needed a 112 inch chain with the 18 tooth and I now need a 113 inch chain to make the bike rideable. I'll probably add a link and get started on the brakes over the weekend so I can take it for a spin and get the brakes properly configured before the engine and associated drivetrain is installed.

Rear disc

Top view. Had to add a couple of washers on the disc side to space the frame out a hair. The disc cleared the frame without them, but it was by less than 1/16 of an inch. I might just use one washer depending on how the disc bracket location looks. If it's hokey I'll drop a washer and be done with it.

Picked up a Bell handlebar bag for it. Will be good for storing spare tubes, tools, and first aid gear.

Overall shot as of now.
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Went to the bike shop and got the extra inch of chain I needed for the 20 tooth rear freewheel. The jump from 18 to 20 on the rear makes pedaling much easier from the start.

She can be ridden right now, but there's no brakes. rotfl