Attention Canadians !!!


New Member
The following is an Email I wrote to Alberta Transportation and their reply. It would appear that motorized kit bicycles have been made illegal not only in Alberta but throughout Canada via Transport Canada regulations and definitions. I urge all Albertans and Canadians to express their disapproval to the MLA'a and MP's and request the appropriate legislation be amended to allow motorized kit bikes without the requirement to be licensed and insured and to be on equal footing as electric powered bicycles.

Dear Sir:

I have have recently become aware of the new legislation regarding powered assisted bicycles. See

I applaud the elimination of the weight restrictions for electric bikes.

However, I am deeply troubled by the removal of engine driven bicycles from the definition of a power assisted bicycle to the reclassification of the same to "moped" . I am specifically referring to bicycles that have been modified with a small gasoline engine (less than 50cc) for pedal assistance, see Under the previous legislation these bike did not require license or insurance. Under the new legislation they are classified as a "moped" . Therefore if one puchases a engine kit (see Zoombicycles SOLD OUT - Jet Stealth 49cc Gas Bicycle Engine Kit | Bicycle Engine Kits | RuiHong Enterprises Ltd. ) he must also do the following to meet the vehicle equipment requirements for a moped:

* Obtain a VIN (cost $52)
* install headlamps, tail lamps, signal lamps,
* install brake lamps, mirrors, and a side mirror
* pay for a mechanical inspection (more $$)
* obtain insurance (impossible)

The performance of of an 49 cc gasoline engine driven power assisted bicycle is no different from that of a 500 watt electric bicycle (I know because I have both). It is clear that the electric bicycle lobby was influential in this legislation at the expense of the engine driven bicycle community. It is also interesting to not that the picture of the bike on the left of the official Alberta Government webpage depicts a gasoline engine powered bike (Revopower see RevoPower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) which does not meet the moped vehicle equipment requirements. Clearly the legislators don't no what the **** they are doing and\or have shown a blatant disregard and prejudice of gasoline engine driven power assisted bicycles.

Would you please reply to me(either via email or phone 403-328-8814) with an explanation of the rationale behind the removal of engine driven bicycles from a power assisted bicycle to the reclassification of the same to "moped" .


Hello Blair:

Thank you for your email of January 11, 2010 regarding mopeds.

The changes to the power bicycle and moped done this past summer were to align Alberta with Transport Canada definitions.

Transport Canada controls the import and construction of motor vehicles for sale in Canada. They also have a definition for power-assisted bicycles; Alberta has aligned with Transport Canada's definitions to stop some confusion that was occurring with vehicles sold in the province.

Limited-speed motorcycles are required to meet certain standards to be allowed in the country; once this vehicle meets these standards a label is to be applied to the vehicle signifying its compliance with federal standards. Alberta aligned the moped definition with the limited-speed motorcycle definition to clear up the discrepancies between Alberta's old definition and the federal government.

The same discrepancy was occurring with the power bicycle definition and the power-assisted bicycle definition. Transport Canada requires power-assisted bicycles to be marked with a label indicating the vehicle is a power-assisted bicycle; the federal classification only allows for electric powered vehicles. Adopting the Transport Canada definition allows Albertans to know from the federal label how the vehicle can be used in Alberta.

The previous definitions Alberta had, which allowed gas powered engines, had different criteria which involved weights. New vehicles were exceeding these weight restrictions and were falling out of their intended use because of Alberta's unique legislation.

Thank you for bringing an error with the publication to our attention we will fix this error as soon as possible. If you have any further questions please contact myself.

Chris Yanitski
Vehicle Safety E.I.T.
Alberta Transportation
[email protected]
nice way to not answer any of your specific complaints.

one suggestion i'd like to offer. when writing to the government, it's unwise to use the word "****."
im pretty bad with letters and talking to the government in general ive never done anything of this sort but i want these bikes to be leagal, what would i have to do? whom do i have to send a letter to and saying what?Would a pettition to leagalize them do anything???
You're not likely to get the law changed in Canada. The problem is the number of gas powered bikes is very small, not many votes there. The electric bike crowd have the blessings of being 'green' all the rage today. Greenies have political clout in Canada and the US. The State of Oregon where I live doesn't allow motorized bikes. You have to meet moped requirements with lights signals etc. but the real killer is the EPA certification. No way to get one. I ride my bike on neighborhood back streets and make with the pedals if I see a gendarme in the area.
Oregon does have one out, a 35cc or smaller engine powered bike is considered a 'motor assisted bicycle' and doesn't need registration or licensing. I'm seriously considering buying a new clutch and magneto cover and having the make and model of the engine engraved on them with the slight change of designating my 49cc mill as a 35cc. Might be enough to get by with.
Bairdco, nice thought but the Lads and Lassies on the horsies are Federal Police. Think FBI on horse back. They uphold the Provicial laws but have the government club with them if they need it.

The Red Coats are a Class A dress uniform.

in canada we seem to have adopited the us montra without being smart or frendily a bought it no we dont get iglooos no the mounty arnt red with hats and the bancks seem to have a groing violent posture against the farm family and the agraculturel comunity as a whole the populas is encoureged to leace a 70000 thousand dollar car evrey 3 years and gamble and spend theremonoply money till its gone thank the goverment for the privilge as we all sit watch the rest of the wourld we live in crumble frome ower tv sets oh if you happen to have a opionion on how it could be better your silenced by your fellow man cuz you know none them realy care or know aney different so the once greate wight north is a week sniviling mass of broke lost apethick drunkerd retireeys
Marts1, the rules are from what I have read are if you have a gas motor on your bike it must have been made by a company registered by the Canadian government to sell an approved vehicle and it must have the Government sticker on it saying it is approved.

For the full story look up the Canadian Motor Vehicle Act. Takes a lot of reading but it is buried in there.

That is where my link up there goes to. If it is in there no ones gonna find it. I'm thinking nothing is any different from last year for me here in Ontario. I'll be asking the cops around here again tho.
I think gasoline bike motors have always been classified as mopeds and not power-assisted bicycles here in Quebec. It's an annoying law, but I do kinda see where they're coming from.
Those Government polaticians become that way because they are the type of people that want to make rules for everyone -and make lots of money-wear fancy clothes,and be important on the televison. They see the world and universe as theirs and see themselves as way higher up than the people that built this country,thinking that it is their god given right to DICTATE anything they want to ,wrong or right, it dosen't matter. They are changing laws and comming up with new ones every day because they have to make it look good(here comes the people,..look busy),and justify their exsistence.
There is one in the Alberta Government that does not even no how to don't get get me wrong,there's nothing wrong with long hair and a beard but come on dude!!!!!!
You are in the GOVERNMENT the least you can do is WASH it at least ONCE in a while.
P.S. These scoundrels changed the laws on mbs. three times in the last two years.
What was wrong with the first one????
Marts1, they sure will. Just as soon as we vote poor people into office instead of the rich p*icks that always wind up in there. Won't take long for them to forget they were poor though.
