Thuds bikes..& projects


New Member
Rather than polute another thread with a ton of Photo's I thought I would put a few here for futuer referance.
I am purely a recreational motored biker...I have yet to build a bike for crusing around on or hopping down to the corner store. I normaly am in the pursuit of seeing what kind of performance I can get out of my 2-wheeled tom-foolery. I blame it on my childgood dream of being a profesional racer..I gravitated to motorcycles at a young age as it was the most afordable venue to compete in....Made a few friends in the Michigan motocross scean over the years. A Lot of guys are suprised when they learn I don't really care for 2 wheeled comuting or "casual" trial rideing. If i cant ride it like a is just boreing.
As a profesion, I am a Model maker/prototype shop craftsman in the furniture industry. Working currently as an Engineer for a custom furniture suplier.(before that I built Luxuery Yacht's) At home I have a foundry,machine shop & welding equipment & a set of hard skills that allow me to build whatever I can imagine.
Here are a few photos of some of my tinkerings-
a mocked up test mule:

this bike has a 2-speed gearbox-16" moped rear tire streached frame & modifed geometry to make it handle properly

Here it is in the sunshine, I am not liking the drop on the bars...a foam & fiberglass battery box whipped together in an attemtp to make a race in detroit..epic fail (botched the rear brake post spacing & wouldn't make it through tech...after pulling an all nighter build session :(


Here are the drive sits its powerd with an 6k watt 80mm outrunner motor (roughly $100) I like #35 drive chain as its aforadable & everywhere..i can pick up master links at menards. twin freewheels on the rear sprockets give total independance to the drive systems. I can pedal...I can power..or any combo of the 2. Hot off the charger this bike tops out at 52 mph (gearing limited...with my hefty 230 lbs aboard) Ultimatly my modified china girl will reside in this frame.

this was my 1st electric bike build..had some fun making & anodising the disc brake adapters & 2-speed tranny. I was way impressed with this bikes out of the gate performance. It runs 30mph out of the gate & totaly destroyed every moped in the neigborhood in is a hand full with the short wheel base & 20" grin machine. It started with a tiny 50mm motor (I cooked 2 of those hot doging. Its upgraded to a 63mm motor & bullet proof now)

Only 5 photos per post so I'll add some in the next box & reserve a few for future projects you may find interesting.
Here are close ups of the bike tranny:


This is the complete power package in my hand. You can see the tiny motor at the bottom of the assembly. at maximum load it produces just over 3hp. (no. it wouldn't survive long at that loading) But will push me along all day at 25mph & drawing the equvilent of 3/4 hp.

You can find more photos of like units in KiM's 2-speed cruzer thread.

& for fun here is a short chase video of me heading to the practice parking lot for a knee draging session:
CIMG0248.mp4 video by tmoto - Photobucket

Any thing specific you would like to see?
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I like the way you keep the drives separate as it keeps the option to pedal open for those that want to, yet allows for those that don't care to at all. The problem with the former is that you need to have high enough gearing to be able to pedal at the speeds these are capable of and it doesn't look like you are there with that. Perhaps with a Nuvinci hub it would be possible?

I have been following the rc motor builds for awhile now after seeing Matt's work on esphere a few years ago for the first time. I think that it holds good promise for a light and powerful system that can be retro fit and perhaps at a sensible price even? Of course given battery pricing being what it is now and into at least the forseeable future anyway.

Personally I am less interested in top speed issues as I am with available torque to be able to climb hills and carry loads as I think that the future of e bikes, mainly because of fed and state regs, will make speeds over the existing limits moot. (But I also have traveled many miles in the 9 miles over zone so feel that some rules are made to be bent.) So your 2 spd drive system is a good answer to both I feel so keep up with that for sure and a reliable 25 mph sounds good to me.

So thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.
you have a very important point regarding bicycycles in general. The bikes above are built to explore the extream end of the performance envelope. pedals become usless after reaching 20ish mph....

I discovered early its no fun pedaling even with just the drag of an extra chain & sprokets. (i wonder what the furthest any one has had to pedal a dead China girl....I would pull the chain if the motor faild)

I did help a buddy with a reduction unit on his mountain bike, we based it driving through the cranks(Cyclone style) & we matched the pedal cadence of about 90rpm's

If I were to design a "turnkey" option for an e-bike assist, it would be this one. The Synergy of being able to pedal & actualy use the motor for an "assist" makes you feel like super man. It is totaly confidence inspireing at bicycle speeds....& can climb stairs...literly.


This is lost sheep's bike. He started running 22v 20ah pack & range at top speed with no pedaling is about 15 miles....He has upped the voltage to 30v (controller max) & is quite pleased with the performance.
Thanks for the kind words & encouragment. T
Well, as allways. I have run out of time to work on my gasser for the death race after fussing with another E-bike build. Here is what I will be riding in Touscon:



Got to give a thanks to Jim (creative engineering) for the directing me to the front brake caliper. Way better than a bicycle caliper & less expensive to boot!

16" pirreli's on 20" rims
Twin outrunner motors
Castle creation speedcontrollers
lots of hand made parts anodised at home
24"bmx cruser frame
It will be running 48V/25AH LiPo batteries
She is a monster for acceleration...but as you may know, it only gets slower every lap with ellectricity.
Thud #40


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