Dual Suspension 66cc - Kent Glendale CS Bike


New Member
Well what do yall think? No spokes to break, bend, or adjust. Dual suspension, AND it don't look funny with a rear mounted engine! I had to add an automotive clutch return spring, and modified the idler wheel to keep the chain on the sprocket. I'm adding "No-Mor-Flat" Solid Tubes also. I had to relocate the carb to under the seat on the post, because of clearance issues. The modified pocket bike carb was installed slightly offset, and linked to the intake manifold with 3/4" fuel resistant hose (I've got black on order). The killer here dudes, and dudetts are the wheels! Direct drive baby! All your engine torque goes DIRECTLY to the pavement, and not through your spokes stretching them out of shape! These wheels are much more rigid than normal spoked wheels, and they will resist flexing at high speeds,making a safer ride. The sprocket adapter is the key to the sprockets mounting. This wheel's setup requires the sprocket center hole to be enlarged to 53mm - 54mm to go over the hub. It took me a while to engineer the bugs out of this ride! Its darn near tooo pretty to ride!


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So you have no problem with the chain staying on when the sus. moves?
I do see the spring loaded idler.
One time, I had an old 20 inch wheel that was plastic. I tried to drive out the hub with my 12 ton press.
Couldn't do it. I was practially hanging on the pump handle. Gave me a lot of respect for plastic.
Does the extended intake affect the performance of the Bike, and do you get the chain wreak on deceleration? it looks great i like the keep it simple engineering.
I have the same bike and looking to put an SkyHawk GT2B 48cc motor kit from SpookyToothCycles on it.

Could you illustrate how you managed the handlebar controls more please?
Also, by the looks of the kit I am planning of getting I won't to do the engines mods you did, or are you using the same motor?

I have that same frame on my pedal bike. I didnt think it could be motorized beacause of such a tight fit. How does that long intake do performace wise? On mine the rear "air bag" suspension sure doesnt move much but I really like the bikes layout. I always thought it would make a very nice mb, now I see it can be done! Nice!