ATV Engine on a stretch.


New Member
Finally got about done with my project. Looks like there are several of us now with these engines. Totally awesome engines!


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I love it! It's very clean looking!

*edit* I've seen so many people build bikes & they don't give the slightest thought as to what the wiring looks like! (spaghetti & tape everywhere... ) :-{
You obviously have a lot of wiring going on, but you made it look as clean as possible! (^)
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Thanks guys!

Bill, the saddle bags were left overs from my motorcycle. Several years of hard use. Most of the threads were unravelling when I took them off and bought new ones. I kept them for some reason. 2 sticks of black hot glue later, they are good as new!

Venice, you are right about the wiring. Lots and lots of wire in there for it to be a bicycle. I tried to neaten it up a bit. About 2 solid days of it. Thanks for noticing my efforts.

What size engine is that? Sweet ride.

Thanks! It's a 50cc. It will top out around 54mph, but the bicycle doesn't like that very much, gets kind of bouncy. My goal was to cruise 35-40mph in the engine's "sweet spot" and not sound or feel like it was about to blow. Mission accomplished.
CivL, this build has definitely established you as one of several talented builders here in our forum, that I would say qualifies you amongst our very talented custom stretch cruiser builders genre! JMO!

I'm sure your build will continue to evolve into something even more spectacular than we or you have or could imagine.

These stretch cruiser's are the best platform in my opinion, for builds that closely resemble Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic, Fat Boy, Heritage Springer, by adding fat tires and fatbob gas tanks, custom fabricated ultra classic style front fairing, custom built sidecar's he he with extra 50cc motor under seat in side car.

I've noticed in your build that your motor is mounted about 3-4 inches above bottom tube can you share with us your mounting & jackshaft idea?

In forum members ( i-paint ) stretch cruiser build he has a steel plate welded to the bottom tube which of course with this mounting & jackshaft idea is quite an accomplishment in itself.

CivL, in your build it also appears that you've used a wide pedal crank?


Just a few pic's to show how closely the stretch cruiser lends itself as a platform for Harley-Davidson style builds, CivL, your build is par-excellent kudos's bro keep building your awesome stretch cruisers!




Thanks for all of the compliments!

CH, I did use a wide crank. This bike was originally built with a HS kit. I installed the wide crank and 3 piece adaptor then. After adding this engine, I chose to leave them. They are more comfortable to me than regular pedals. Besides, they aren't really for using now. More for footrests than anything else.

My engine is a little off the bottom tube. When I first built this bike with the HS kit, I went through great lengths to build an anti-vibration engine mount. It turned out that the tubing I had already welded into the frame was the perfect height for this engine to let the pedal chain clear without any modification and the starter on top of the engine would clear the frame. The only modification I needed to make was the intake. In all honesty, it was easier for me to fab up an intake than redo everything else that would be needed. Kind of the lazy way out, maybe, but I really wanted my pedal chain to look normal for some reason.
The jackshaft had absolutely no plan at all other than I knew I needed one. I could either mount the engine off center with no jackshaft or center with jackshaft. Centered engine and more gearing options seemed like a no brainer. When the parts came in, I took them out to the shop, looked at the bike while I smoked a cig, then started welding. That was about the extent of the plan. Ordering the parts. The free wheeling sprocket and heavy duty hub assembly were already being used on the previous build and I wanted to keep all of it. I didn't want to add more gears to the pedal side on this one.

Here is a pic of the very first install on the bike. I later added the anti-vibration mount.

Yeah, that's my wife in the back ground. Her legs are sexier than the bike and I think she knows it. Dang short shorts always make me forget something!


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