Direct Hit pulse plug has any one tried it yet?

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider


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Thanks Goat, There were a few guy's at the race track that ran them in there modifieds and they went straight to the trash can.

Good to know you are liking them
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so Goat, your saying that is just a screw in add on , on top of the spark plug ? would a napa store have these by chance ?
goat herder;71615 Whats the point of putting a pulse plug on those? I don't get it? Thats the last thing I would do! What was the point of ever putting them on?[/QUOTE said:
I don't know? I am not the one who used them, Why put it on a China girl? I guess for the same reason you did. Some don't have high dollar ignition systems, some do.

And I was talking about UMP modfieds, no drag racing here!
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Sorry man this is a cool place this forum. I just wanna know if anyone else used one I liked mine thought it was cool. I don't wanna be abrasive its just wrong , and this forum does not represent this. Rea we cool hope so? I like the family here

Did I come off abrasive? I am sorry, did not mean too, my Bad.

No, I was just sharing what experience I knew of them. I would like to try one myself but I don't see the funds coming soon for one.

I apologize for any misunderstanding and I will try to be more careful in the way I post.
Oh....I just saw my other post, your right, I can see how that can look abrasive. I am sorry for that and I apologize. It was not my intent to be abrasive or sarcastic, I should have posted differently there.

I am sorry Goat hereder
I think we need to have a good magneto and a better CDI to maximize the advantages of a pulse plug. Maybe the CDI for pocket bikes might work better with these... :)
To me, $35 seems a bit pricey considering that's about 1/4 of what a complete kit runs now. I added a Bosch plug and a accel plug wire to my bike and I have more than enough power and that upgrade cost me $12.
Very cool GH. I am gonna try it on a 4 smoker some time soon. ($ thing with CT rally coming up)

Thanks and will report.
Goat Herder are you aware that Enerpulse ( the company that makes Pulstar plugs) was founded and HQ in Albequerque. They are working closely with a company called Grail Engine that makes a bada** hybrid 2stroke. the theory behind them is correct in giving a more complete and effective combustion. Think about all the current built up in a taser. Same principles.
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You know those direct hits have been around for a while. I think they were the precursor to the pulsplugs. I guess it was an addon type feature before they could manufacture the actual plugs. I had forgotten about them. Your thread has peaked and renewed my interest in them. I guess I'll go out and get one now.
No worries all for lovingly lovy dovy lol. everybody thinks there is a fuel additive etc the bottom line is simple mechanics. It is the kiss principle. Keep It Simple Stupid. Everyone Thinks like oh ya I put this magical element we are done very funny. Just like this forum we all make each other wise. fight the good fight!!!!!!!. You simply cannot do just one mod and expect results. Fact is its just like life it takes a handful of stuff!!!!!! If life was so simple well thats another story. The china to me is like a chevy hot rod one mod is never enough it is a fair handful of thinking that takes care of the malfunction. One mod is not magical by itself It is a multitude of Ideas!!!! For example I do 5 modes together they do multiply. Its not just one Its us all . God Bless!!!!!!!!! lol. I know for a fact a mess of good mods is better than just one. There is the kiss principal keep it simple stupid. The reason mines gots power not just one mod. Its funny people think I am done now . Yeah some story dull lol. There are no short cuts Ya have to earn it!!!!! Play and think just one mode thats funny. Combinations of a good things made us all. Lets just hope we all stay constructive! Match the ports good oil ratio well you know. Its just plain funny that because ones spark plug is hotter they suddenly think they have nitrous or something . LOL Its all love Baby!!! Then the kitty she purrs!!!!!!! Just funny!
Wow very cool links. A valved 2 stoke I bet there will be alot of ppl saying "why didn't I do that". The direct pulse thing looks good and it really did give you some added HP? Have you heard of Nology Wires? They have a capacitor built into the wire to do the same type of thing. It has a ground strap on each wire. I'm wondering how they get it to work without that. Nology wires are way expensive thou. Did you change to a colder plug when you added the direct hit? My bike runs really good but I can see where this could be a really good thing.

Man that site wants $24.95 just to ship. Whaa
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the nology wires are right up there with the icat. From what I can tell, they all pretty much get the same end result. I have read posts on other forums where guys have bought and tried all of these products (they were on dirtbikes) and could not tell them apart from a performance stand point, only a $$ one.