Tire Quality 101

Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Today during my debut in bicycle racing, I found one important factor. Make the tires have a thick side wall. I had a blowout going into a tight turn after the straight away. I have Specialized Tires. The side wall ripped bigtime. I'm glad I was wearing my karting suit. It prevented some major road rash!

I see green stuff! What do your shorts look like? rotfl
Just kidding. Slime out of the tires blowouts are not fun on any kind of bike.
I had one in denver,co rush hour traffic interstate 25 coming back from Sturgis had the old lady on back and I thought we were going down but got lucky. New tires on bike. I ran over an allen wrench someone left on the road.
I see green stuff! What do your shorts look like? rotfl
Just kidding. Slime out of the tires blowouts are not fun on any kind of bike.

I originally was going to buy a heavy duty tube but the saleman at the bike shop talked me out of it!:-||
YIKES:eek:! That does not look like it was a fun ride, thank God your alright. How fast were you going when it let loose and were they high presure tires? Theres a group of racers in Estonia that have sanctioned races that used to be members on MK. They would post their race footage, its really cool seeing 10-15 motorized bikes racing around a curvy track. I'll see if I can dig up a ling to some of their stuff...Kelly
YIKES:eek:! That does not look like it was a fun ride, thank God your alright. How fast were you going when it let loose and were they high presure tires? Theres a group of racers in Estonia that have sanctioned races that used to be members on MK. They would post their race footage, its really cool seeing 10-15 motorized bikes racing around a curvy track. I'll see if I can dig up a ling to some of their stuff...Kelly

I think I was only going mid twenties when my tire popped. Tire pressure was @ 45 psi (recommended is 45-50psi) I went to the ER today and its only a bone bruise. That would be sweet if you could dig up that footage!
yikes - and all I use are the standard 'typhoon' tires that came with the bike - nary a problem yet...

Im glad you werent too hurt but I am a little curious as to what it did to the rest of the transmission and engine etc... was there any damage or was it just limited to the tire/tube?

Jemma xx
yikes - and all I use are the standard 'typhoon' tires that came with the bike - nary a problem yet...

Im glad you werent too hurt but I am a little curious as to what it did to the rest of the transmission and engine etc... was there any damage or was it just limited to the tire/tube?

Jemma xx

It was limited to the tire only plus LOTS of clean up from the slime. (Never use that stuff!) I was lucky b/c I was only wearing a karting suit with no pads. The suit allowed me to slide on the asphalt & it also prevented me from getting any road rash.