Hi is there any info on jet sizing for a 22 mm on a gc 160? I have the same set as you, it just does not have proper power with the stock jetting the carb came with. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Hello Randy, I saw some pictures on a post of your giant stiletto, it looks awesome! Can you send me more pics of it? And maybe some tips? I have the exact same bike and i would really like to build something like yours.
Hey old fart, was just reading your posts. In your first one you threatened to "move home to Maine" Where from ME are you? Are you still in ME now? I'm in Glenburn just a hair out of Bangor. If your close by we can plan a tour if your bike is ready then. Curious to know how the 2 to 4 change is going. Also; Post some pics of your progress
Hello buddy its paul c from the u.k..I just got my 50cc engine BUT unfortunatly one of the double threaded screw bolts was damaged in transit..Can you give me any advice on gettin a new one.? Or were i could get one from..They are 3.4 mm in diamater any advice.??? Thanks Indian 22