Zoomin' Right By Ya!


New Member
Posted this on YouTube yesterday. Real excited about the new cylinder since I phucked up the original. Luckily everything went back together as I wanted it to and I took it out for a ride.
This was the first day since I completed my build about 3 months ago that I went full throttle. xct2xct2xct2
Adrenaline Rush!
Thanks Scott..
I have a ton of pics since I first got it. Once I resize a half a ton to be able to add them to my album I'll let you know. I tried to start an album last night after I took that pic but the pics are way too big coming from an iPhone.
Go into your camera on your Iphone,go into the menu,and then change the size of pics your phone takes. You can always change it back later for non-forum pics. Hope that helps.
The only options I have in camera mode are grid and HDR. I'm working with a 4...those options for pictures taken by size must be the 4s or 5.
When I send pics I have the option to resize it for sending othewise it takes the same size pics each time.
But thanks though I have a program to grab a bunch and resize them all at once.
I got a blackberry torch 9800 and just figured the iphone was smarter. But I want the option to change pic size when sending,my wifes phone can't get even the small pics mine take. Got to photo edit first.