Zenoptic's new Cruiser project


Piston mod
took off just enough at TDC to compleatly unrestrict my intake port


9 roller pin bearing, piston before dremil action.

replaced the bearing with a Stihl chain saw bearing (part # 95120032340) which is good for 13000RPM. Heavy duty for our use.
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What did you polish on the head? The threads that arnt being used by the spark plug? ???Im curious?
It is hard to get a shinney surface to show up real good! I polished the squish band on down. only took a little off near the plug hole. Removed a few nicks and imperfections. It is still stock but polished now. I think the shape of the factory slant head is fine. So I do not plan much radical work here.
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I just ordered a carb jet reamer kit. Will be ready to tweak the carb soon.

Thanks Taco! our carb is a 14mm. Stock carb on a 125cc vespa is a 16mm. so 14 is plenty big enough, just needs upjetted.
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Squish band clearance on my pk80-j with the stock base gasket is 1.5cc with no head gasket. my factory head gasket is .7mm thick . so a clearance of 2.2mm with one gasket. now I have read that optimal clearance is ( 30/1000 in ) .762mm. will look more into this.
looks like a tomas moped biturbo exhaust. i was thinking about rigging one of those. let us know how it works...
looks like a tomas moped biturbo exhaust. i was thinking about rigging one of those. let us know how it works...

Yes the 2 piece one, bought it from 1977 moped. Hope I can mod it up to my pk80. It is designed for a 70cc engine so I should be sweet!
Motor mount arrived today! Looks great. Now if the intake and sprocket would just arrive! It has been a loong time coming!