Your life depends on this!


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
new york city
This may sound overly simplistic but I learned the hard way (almost hit 3 times) in 6 month period. I now have slowed down in heavy traffic area's and ride at speeds a cyclist would go. Or another way of putting it don't go faster than your braking ability can handle. I recently put a larger headlight on the bike to make it appear I'm riding a small motorcycle, and I believe it has helped some. The young guys are really bad drivers around here.


New Member
Dec 12, 2009
Medford, OR
One other thing to consider. Don't get in an argument or dispute with someone who cuts you off or otherwise does something stupid. Even a big motorcycle will be a loser in a road rage incident and a motorbike won't make much of a grease spot on the highway if you get run over by an enraged idiot. Either don't get in a confrontation or pack an impressive piece.


Feb 22, 2009
Fort Collins, Colorado
Not shortly after I was hit the first time (have been hit 3 more times since) I realized that the best response, if you can manage to recover and take chase, is to follow the offender and take up any interaction with them while both of you have both feet on the ground. Seeing as how the laws of physics are not on our side, it is wise to both be on an even footing as it were. All 4 times the offenders were on their cell phones at the time of the incident, 3 of them no longer have their cell phones as I removed them of that luxury and pitched them into the street. I ride as tho every 4 wheeled monster on the road is truly out there with the expressed intent of killing me.


New Member
May 30, 2009
I've had a lot more accidents and close calls riding my bicycle than my MB. I was riding about 45mph down a steep hill. A car pulled out about 15' in front of me, and stopped. I ended up flying over the car. then about 3 days later I got pulled over on the same hill for doing 50. The speed limit is 25, but it was after school and it was a 15mph school zone. OOPS! Criminal speeding on my bicycle :)

I t-boned a car once, dented up the door pretty well.
The brakes on my bike gave out at the same time once and I rear-ended a car at a stop light pretty well.
I guess I'm more careful on my MB than bicycle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2008
Central Missouri
I agree with the traffic examples. In my town, I have had a squirrel cross the street well ahead of me, stop and look at me approaching, and then re cross the street even with my moving bike and torpedo my front tire! ????